Both the recurring journal entry and the fixed asset journal entry are flagged for approval when the General Journal Batch Approval Workflow and/or the General Journal Line Approval Workflow are turned on. This is correct as both journal entries should have an approval process assigned before posting to the general ledger.

The issue is that neither of these journals has the base functionality assigned to allow the user to request approval without customization. I would like to see the same functionality to request approval that is present in the general journal entry be added to both the recurring journal entry as well as the fixed asset journal entry. This will allow the workflow to continue as I assumed is the planned intention.
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It should be essential for all accounting software to include segregation of duties controls for journals that impact the G/L and it's shocking BC doesn't have this already and is not planning to implement this in the near future.

Category: Financial Management


This is a pain point for a few of my clients who rely on the approval workflows for internal control and are forced to have work arounds for these types of entries.

Category: Financial Management


It would be great to have the possibily to get Send for approval button on all kind of journals. FA journalJob JournalDepositIntercompanyetc.Also for Card, project when a new one is created.

Category: Financial Management


The same issue is present on inter company journals i.e. you can activate a workflow but there is no Send for approval button on the journal batch.

Category: Financial Management