Due to a fast pace business having to create new prospects may be difficult. So, the way of creating a prospect through the most easy and fast and efficient way would be to only fill in the name of the prospect and leave it with the default option for country region, and when having the time later on the additional information can be inputted.

However, when creating the prospect the country region is populated by default -the same as what has been set on the user preferences from user options for country region.

When the option for user preferences and the country region on the new prospects are matching (are the same) no address populates on the address section for the prospect after its creation.

If the selected option for country region is different from what is set in the user option address with the country will populate, this is the same result we want, when the country region is matching the user preferences.

Not having the address populating by default requires manually inputting the other details on the new prospect form, or requires manually adding the address after its creation which requires additional steps and time.

Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you very much for your input. We do not have any plans to extend this capability, we will however continue to monitor how much in demand such a capability is.