Price adjustment retail promotion results are not registered in Discount transaction table (RetailTransactionDiscountTrans table).
- There is Price adjustment promotion = ST100004 in our Contoso demo data for Items 0123 and 0124
- Registered transaction in POS for products 0123 and 0124
- Verify that there is no any entry in table RetailTransactionDiscountTrans
Do to this we lose this information, and we are not able to say why price was calculated in this way.
But on the other hand, we should exclude this information from posting as periodic discount.
Administrator on 2/4/2023 2:23:36 PM
This appears to be a product defect and should not be logged in the Ideas forum. If you are still having this issue, please log a case with the support team through LCS for triage and review. - Boyce Zhu, Principal Product Manager for Dynamics 365 Commerce