Issue description:

GS1 data matrix codes with expiry date (AI - 17) is not parsing the expiry date information when the data contains 00 in place of DD.

For example, the expected format of the expiry date is "251231" for 31st December 2025.

It is acceptable in the GS1 spec for the "DD" part of the date to be "00", this means the above example will read as "251200". System should scan this and convert the "00" to "31" in the above example (or whichever is the end of the month in "MM").

This is an issue we're facing with multiple tenants and is of high importance since these issues are causing items to be registered without an expiry date and causing sales loss.

Customer Note:

This is a valid scenario as per official GS1 spec.

This is supposed to be changed in January of 2025, but valid till then. Besides, GS1 codes are not entered by us, this is provided by the manufacturer/vendor as part of the product packaging, we cannot change it as it's abiding by the official GS1 spec. 

Customer requirement:

To let the GS1 parser parse the "00" value to the day "31" based on the month value in "MM".

Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We released this feature as part of newest release to follow the GS1 standards.


Per Lynnerup

PM, Microsoft