Currently there are a lot of aggregated measurments for Reporting and Intelligence available. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/fin-ops-core/dev-itpro/analytics/power-bi-home-page?toc=/dynamics365/supply-chain/toc.json#powerbicom-solutions-available-from-lifecycle-services-lcs
They will be used for embedded PowerBI reporting. Even at the moment Financial Dimension are present in LedgerActivity and FinancialReportingTransactionDataV3 aggregated entity these are not official supported.

Many customer require for operational reporting for the different business units, departments and costcenters based on the organizational hierarchy, which mostly is reflected on the Structure of the Financial Dimension.

So my request is for:

"Integration of Financial Dimensions into the aggregated Enties: Sales and Profitability, Purchase spend analysis, Vendor payments, Practice Manager (project), Production performance as well as Budget activity"

to deliver a Power BI based reporting experience alligning with the organzational structure.
Needs Votes