1. COPY (improve) - now when we copy any directive, we can set only name and that’s all … Sometimes we have identical (or almost identical) directives for more than one Warehouse and we must create it by manually rewrite.

It good to have The Extend “Copy” function that allows to change:
Site, Warehouse and Work type (I now sometimes Strategy can by wrong – in that case it can be reset to “None” with statement “For this operation Strategy must be reset. Check it yours Locations Directive Actions”.  

2. INACTIVE (new)– now we cannot temporally switch off some Directive. To not use them we must set a highest sequence number, but they will be still processed if all directive above would not accurate.

We need to temporally switch them off, but they must stay in some sequence order, that cannot be broken from some reasons. It will be good for performance – the switched off directives would not be processed.

Ideas Administrator

We are pleased to announce that this idea can now be enabled using Warehouse group feature released in 10.0.32. 

Now you don't need to copy location directives across different warehouses if they share identical configuration (although Copy has been extended to copy across different warehouses). You can include such warehouses into the same group and setup location directive for warehouse group instead of each warehouse. To disable specific location directive, you can temprorarly assign to the "Inactive" warehosue group with no warehouses assigned.