In order to get the 'Office address' populated in a worker record, an address captured against the worker has to be Assigned to office location. This then populates the Office address field, but it doesn't populate the 'Office location' field with the address name. It remains free text. The suggestion is to auto-populate the 'Office location' field with address name but keep it editable should the users decide to change it afterwards. Currently, users have to enter the address name into the office location field manually which is unnecessary double-entering of data. Thanks

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Agree, the field Office location should not be a free text field. You get unstructured data and you should not tap this manually. Why was it made a free text field? At least it should be a drop down in order to be able to choose between the different locations. When tapped manually people might spell the names of the locations differently. When structured in a table for drop down we are able to use the data for e.g. verfification of who is working where. This is needed actually for ensurance purposes.

Category: Personnel management