
Deactivate stock "Won Opportunties" view
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Connect to tablet app (Windows 8) for first time
When looking at list of Available views for Opportunity - you still see "Won Opportunties"

I would expect that is the view is disabled, you should not see it.

Ideas Administrator

Thank you for submitting your idea to our ideas portal. We appreciate your contribution and the time you took to share it with us. We have shipped many enhancements since this idea was posted and it is likely that it has been resolved. If not, kindly reopen. Thank you again for your continued support.



Thank you for your response this seems to be a bug not a feature request. If you are still experiencing this issue on the latest release of CRM or feel it is of high importance please contact support to help identify and make sure this bug is entered and tracked for you as the customer. The feedback has been received. https://community.dynamics.com/crm/p/support.aspx The following link can help you with creating your support request. Thanks Larry

Category: Account, Contact, Calendar and Activity Management