We have developed a Mobile Model Driven App that need to be used both Offline and Online (like a Field Service Mobile App).

When a user accesses the Service Order Record, the Options available in the "statuscode" Column (the values) are valid.

The "statuscode" values depends on the current "statuscode" selected using the available OOB functionallity.

On the OnLoad Event we make validations to be sure which "statuscode" values can be selected (restricting the values available at current "statuscode" value).

After the user has modify the data and the record is save (through JS using the methods available in MS documentation: save, refresh), the Options available in the "statuscode" Column (the values) are not updated with the ones needed.

The User needs to click on Refresh Button if they want to select the correct values.

We suggest that some OnLoad Event can reach this functionallity and force the OptionSet Values to be refreshed.

Feel free to contact me if needed.

Manuel Ruiz Molina

Category: Mobile
Needs Votes