

Team Microsoft, this is to bring in notice that Filing of Form GSTR-3B is mandatory for all , even if there is no business in that particular tax period. A late fee will be charged on per day basis even though having nil tax liability. This will definitely increase the acceptance by users who wish to go for D365 F&O


The Business Central online help states on Open in Excel. "With this action, Excel respects any filters on the page that limit the records shown. The Excel workbook will contain the same rows and columns that appear on the page in Business Central". Viewing and Editing in Excel From Business Central (contains video) - Business Central | Microsoft LearnSo, the online help is incorrect, or the feature is not working as designed. Can this please be addressed?


To present to management is a need to export the charts to image to paste to powerpoints.


i would add, that including the sort method in the view would be good as well.


Skip Sales Order Document Deletion In Business Central (erpconsultors.com)


This is such a simple thing, just make it STOP doing an action.i can not understand why deleting items, and losing the relational link, is the default action


This is also so much needed on the Sales side. Voted!


This is so much needed as the standard Saved views feature is currently not helping to achieve part of this basic functionality. Voted!


It would be very helpful if MS provide any workaround for this issue. We would like to save a basic view to list Active trade agreements and it seems impossible experiencing this bug. Installed product version : 10.0.31 (10.0.1406.105)Installed platform version : Update55 (7.0.6651.104)


And another 3 years have now passed since the post. It's getting harder and harder to use D3365 CE without these basic features for document templates. I slowly no longer believe that anything will happen here. It was even removed years ago the arrows to change the order within line item. So our customers have to use other systems or switch to ERP systems from the offers on. Sadly, however, time is rather invested in AI areas that rarely make a difference in the day-to-day business.


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