

This is an essential part of our lead gen function. Microsoft owns LinkedIn, and this would help improve both D365 adoption and active LinkedIn usage. It also doesn't feel great that on the one hand, Microsoft is pushing us (D365 Marketing users) to migrate from Oubound Marketing to RTJ, however at the same time, they are not supporting this feature we use heavily. Please bring this to RTJ, thank you!


Our current campaign, running until November 2, 2023, relies heavily on these forms for lead generation. We need a workable solution to ensure a seamless transition and continuous lead capture and management.


Voted, we need this for our current D365 customer.


The OnGetFilename event runs very well. Remember to set `Success` to `true` and escape any special characters using the `RegEx` codeunit. Below is a sample code demonstrating its use:[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::ReportManagement, OnGetFilename, '', false, false)]local procedure OnGetFilename(ReportID: Integer; Caption: Text[250]; ObjectPayload: JsonObject; FileExtension: Text[30]; ReportRecordRef: RecordRef; var Filename: Text; var Success: Boolean)var RegEx: Codeunit Regex;begin  Filename := 'My Custom Name Goes Here'; Filename := RegEx.Replace(Filename, '[^A-Za-z0-9_]', '');  Success := true;end;


This is really important. We are implementing early life retention journeys where it's important for us to collect feedback and responde if anything is sideways.


Our client is encountering difficulties with the new real-time form feature, restricting them to create either a lead or contact, which becomes particularly challenging when dealing with events due to the fact that the lead matching strategy does not work with leads created through events. This results in multiple leads for the same product or interest. Previously, in outbound marketing, we could aggregate various leads with the same interest under one contact, providing cohesion. However, with realtime marketing, there are leads in the database that lack any connection to existing contacts. To address this issue, we suggest improving real-time form handling to enable the simultaneous creation of both leads and contacts. This enhancement would streamline the management of interactions, ensuring better cohesion between leads and contacts, particularly in scenarios involving multiple interactions for the same product or interest.



we realy would like to connact the marketing webforms/portal forms directly connected to other OOB and Custom Entities. (f.e. Cases)

The idea is that the results of a Webform will come in an entity of our choise , after that we start processing the request and connect with other OOB and Custom entities within our CRM.

Kind regards,


When I create a form I need to add firld who are not mapped with contact or lead. For instance, I want to add :comment boxquestion like "what time are you available" ?Question "are you coming to the event with someone : yes/non" ....


It would be nice to have the possibility to add unmapped fields to marketing forms.
To create a new entity field every time you need a new form field, that in the end you will might only use once, its time and money consuming. (as not all users know how to create this fields and they will require developers to do it).
A proper Form Submissions entity from which we can extract data into Excel would be very handy as well.

Lets look at the real life situation: if I have an event once a moth where I collect data for the guest's food choices, soon I will have dynamics full of options fields with different food options (as menu will be different each time)

And this applies to a lot of businesses that collect data from dropdowns about new products or services that they often offer.

Please can this be considered. Thank you.


Currently it is not possible to save a marketing form as a template. You can only create a marketing form when starting within the marketing form entity. This is already possible for any other marketing component but marketing forms. It would be great to have this, otherwise, you'll keep copy/pasting your HTML into a template.


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