Order and Price Unit of Measure (for Sales and Purchase)
Hi, we call it "oranges problem" ;-) Today there is only one unit of measure in the sales and purchase Documents. For some items it is relevant to distinguish between an Order Unit of Measure and a Price Unit of Measure. For example for fruits. Mostly fruits are ordered in boxes (and also han...
Merge Direct Invoice and Ship/Receive/Invoice-Flag in Orders. Skip Confirmation Dialog
Today there is a Customer Setting (Direct Invoice) to setup if a customer get's an Direct Invoice out of an (return) order posting or if he get's a Combine Shipment. Additional there is a confirmation dialog at every order posting if this order should be invoiced or/and shipped/received. That's a...
Dimensions for Location and SKU
Hello, we need Default Dimensions for Locations and Stockkeeping Units as a addition for the default dimensions for items . Different physical company location can have different default dimensions. Also the combination of a item and a Location Code (stockkeeping units) can have different defaul...
Custom Address Format for Customers (not only for Country/Region) with GLN
Today it is only possible to use custom Address Formats for Country and Regions. Unfortunately it can also be different for customers in the same region. We have two requirements in this direction: 1. Show optionally the GLN as an Address field 2. Show the Contact Name only for some customers. ...
Multi-Level (dependend) Customer Price Groups
Hi, today there is a one-to-one connection between a customer and a customer price group. We have the requirement, that customer price groups are dependent among themselves. For example the is a price group for offer prices which are valid for a group of customers. If there are no Prices found ...
Query Extension
Hi, we actually discuss how we can displace some SQL scripts how we use today (especially for Performance reasons) in BC. To normal answer for this would be Queries (there are a little bit unflexible, but with uses a little bit head we should find solutions for it). A big disadvantaghe today is...
Use Customer Name from Document in Cust. Ledger Entries
Actually the Customer Name from Customer Card is used as Customer Name in Cust. Ledger Entries. It would be better if it's the name from the Document (for the case the customer name is changed in the document).
For Example I have one customer with 3 departments and change the ...
Don't run OnOpenPage-Trigger twice for Report Preview
Ihe OpenOpenPage-Trigger is called twice when a report is started in preview mode.
If a report has an request page with the propety SaveValues activated and the report has a printout like RDLC, than the OnOpenPage-trigger is called twice in preview mode. First time when start...
Make Tooltip Editable for Users from GUI
Hopefully it's not double because there are a lot of ideas for Tooltips.
It would be really helpful to add the possibility to modify Tooltips from the User GUI, so that every customer can modify the Tooltips so that
Allow Procedures in Enum-Objects
it would be really helpful if it's possible to add procedures in Enum-Extensions. For example to
1) to add central functions to get the Enum-Value from Text, Get Enum Text from Enum-ID etc.
2) to add mapping-functions to other Enums etc.