Partner Sandbox License Request

This portal is used for partners in the Microsoft Cloud Partner Program (MCPP) to obtain free or discounted, non-production sandbox licenses with Business Application products to learn, test, and deliver end-to-end customer demos with their own solutions.These offers below are for use on partner tenants only, never on customer tenants.
The Power Platform Sandbox experience is available free at the developer ecosystem for Power Apps and Power Automate.
Promotional Offer descriptions
  1. Discounted – All Microsoft Partners enrolled in the Microsoft Cloud Partner Program (MCPP) with a valid Partner ID can request discounted sandbox licenses from the list currently available.
  2. Test Drive free – Microsoft Partners with a valid Partner ID and a live AppSource application offer can utilize a Test Drive Sandbox License on the offer request below. Enabling Test Drive on your Dynamics 365 Dataverse/ Power Apps AppSource offer provides an option for your customers to demo your solution without requiring installation into your customers own environment.
  3. SI Promo free – Microsoft Partners (SIs) enrolled in the limited pilot partner recruit program.
  4. ISV Success for Business Applications – Microsoft Partners (ISVs) previously enrolled in the ISV Connect program (now part of ISV Success) and/or are building applications for a live Dynamics 365 Dataverse or Operations offer can redeem their free benefit licenses as outlined in the ISV Success for Business Applications program documentation. To receive further solution value credit and benefits, please see the billing and deal registration handbook.
  5. ISV Success Core Package – Microsoft Partners (ISVs) enrolled in the ISV Success Program can redeem the Dynamics 365 Sales, Field Service and Customer Service Partner Sandbox one of two ways: If they joined ISV Success before 1/24/2023, they can use this form. If they joined afterwards, they can redeem directly in Partner Center on the ISV Success program page.