Public Profile
  • Incorporate Document Security to all other Transaction Windows in Dynamics GP

    The GL Transaction Entry, Bank Transaction Entry, Bank Deposits Entry, RM Transaction Entry, PM Transaction Entry, IV Transaction Entry, etc., all have different documents that can be entered and not all users have access to these documents. Similar to SOP and POP, it would be nice to be able to control access to these documents via Security Tasks.
  • Full support of eConnect XML Schemas for Integration Manager

    Integration Manager has long been limited to support only certain fields for certain eConnect Destination Adapters. 1. Can we get all eConnect Destination Adapters to begin with 2. Can you expose all the fields for each destination to be able to map everything possible.
  • Ability to setup Users from Active Directory or Azure Active Directory

    Currently, users must be manually setup in Dynamics GP and link to AD or AAD if using web client. It would nice if we could simply have a list of users from AD or AAD and be able to mark the ones we want automatically configured in GP. I envision a window listing all AD or AAD accounts /groups with the ability to click on each. Once click on Process, all the selected AD/AAD accounts would be setup as GP users. For desktop only environments, these could be setup with first initial + last name or last name + first initial or first name + last initial as options to setup the actual GP accounts.
  • Visual Cue on Edit Payment Batch window to show which vendors are setup as EFT

    It would be nice to have a visual cue next to the checkmark in the Edit Payment Batch to indicate which vendors are setup as EFT vendors. This would facilitate the process of issuing check payments for those vendors if needed. Vice versa, if a batch has been built as an EFT payment batch, it would be easy to spot check which vendors require editing (i.e., adding or removing payments) by just looking at the visual cue.

  • Icons, Pictures, Native Pictures Preview in Dexterity Resource Explorer

    Is it possible to have a picture preview option for Icons, Pictures, and Native Pictures in Dexterity Resource Explorer, when the display mode is changed to Large Icons? It seems rather difficult to determine what picture to use without scrolling through and opening each resource. It's also a bit of an annoyance if you are using Source Code Control as you will be prompted to check out the resources.
  • Dexterity 18 Support for Team Foundation Server 2017/2018/Azure DevOps

    Is it possible to get Dexterity native support for TFS 2017/2018/Azure DevOps through Visual Studio 2017? The existing providers are rather outdated and require running really old versions of Visual Studio just to get this to work. Would you consider simply using the TFS and Azure DevOps web services to do Source Code Control rather than using the Visual Studio wrappers you've created? Also, can you retro fit this all the way back to Dex 12? I know, I know, I am asking for too much as it is.
  • Enable Dexterity .NET interop for async calls

    .NET interop is a great addition to Dexterity. However, could you enable calls to async methods? I envision this being similar to a background procedure or a timed event, but initiated by the Dex runtime as opposed to an explicit developer call. The developer only needs to call a dex procedure in the background, in turn that background proc can have all the calls to some .NET async method, but this would offload the call and response retrieval to the runtime engine. begingroup "SomeAsyncGroup" notify "SomeForegroundProcedure" assign to SomeDotNetGroupId; call background someDexProcWithACallToSomeNetAsyncMethod; endgroup SomeDotNetGroupId;
  • Support for Azure SQL Server Managed Instance

    Ideally, this change would allow Dynamics GP Utilities to be able to create SQL Server databases on an Azure SQL Server Managed instance (not to be confused with Azure SQL DB). In addition, CLR assemblies would need to be recompiled for the specific version of SQL Server Managed Instance currently supported. I have a few blog articles discussing my findings and how to overcome: P1: P2: P3: