Public Profile
  • Add Tabs or new areas to existing standard views

    We have one customer who have asked to be able to see already returned transaction rows in the SearchReceiptsView.html They wished the returned rows to be shown below in a separate area (lower 50% of the screen) or viewable through a tab. So what I wish for is extension points that allows us to set a % of a given view to add customized content. We have also heard wishes where the sales persons wishes to see delivery status on orders. This could be done by allowing extensions to add a new area bellow orders in recall order view. This area would then contain order rows and their individual status.
  • Change or remove standard pop out dialogs

    A wish we have received is to change or remove dialogs in different scenarios. For example the ship order flow the customer does not want the sales clerk to add any charge but rather an automated logic. Also they don't wish to show the date dialog that comes after. But we need logic that sets the date and charge in these cases automatically. So an option through extensions to auto solve or create or own versions of standard pop out dialogs. In the transaction flow the customer does not wish to show the Change dialog at all (Remove that extra ok). Instead they wish the change to be shown in a box in the transactions view as a reference in the few cases change is to be returned. (To show last receipts change in the transactions view can be done today through custom controls).