Public Profile
  • Business Rules to allow OR function

    It would be helpful for the business rules to allow an "OR" function.

  • Disable specific Activitiy types such as Fax

    We would like to make specific types of activities, such as fax or letter, not available. Right now in security roles you change the settings only for all Activities. If we take away read or create privileges the user cannot read or create any type of activity.

    If these were broken out individually, it would help us to manage our Activities properly. We don't want options available that we do not want our users to use. It would less confusing and cleaner.

  • Security to delete opportunity or quote line items without security to delete records

    To give my users the security to delete an opportunity or quote line item, they also have the security to delete Opportunity or Quote records. For safety purposes, we do not want Users to be able to delete entire records. However, they should be fully capable of deleting the Line Items.