Public Profile
  • Can we have a System Indicator in Business Central?

    We have a client that has over 80 companies and one group regularly needs to switch between seven companies. It is essential for them to be able to quickly tell which company they are in. The BC Web Client shows the company name on Role Center and List Pages but does not show it on Card pages. There also does not appear to be any way to change colors or offer any other visual cue to help people to see which company they are in quickly. Can I suggest we include something within the UI that will show the system indicator. Here is my mockup of what it could look like (See for screen shots.). You could use the existing system indicator settings on the Company Information. It would be really, really nice if you could add the ability to set the color instead of picking from a set of pre-canned styles. A combination of a selectable tint color (like in Reporting services where you can pick from a list of names or enter an RGB value) which would replace the default Teal, and displaying the company name in the title bar for all page types would be perfect.

  • Ability for Consultants to Login and Test Per Teant Extensions with real data and Extensions

    We need the ability for our consultants to test modifications (either a per tenent extension or a pre-release AppSource app) with a copy of the production system that includes both production data and any other extensions that exist in the production environment. This could be either by allowing the create Sandbox in Saas to create a second sandbox with extensions already applied with a free login that our consultants can use, or create a “backpack” we can download and install in a docker contain that contains a copy of data and extensions.
  • Increase size of NumberFormat field on Excel Buffer table to allow commonly used number formats

    The NumberFormat field on the Excel Buffer table is used to define the formatting string that will used for any given cell in Excel. The field is currently 30 characters long. The longest "standard" custom format in excel is 49 characters long and is _-$* #,##0.00_-;-$* #,##0.00_-;_-$* "-"??_-;_-@_- This format produces a leading minus sign, dollar sign, comma separated thousands, always two decimal places and dash for 0. The format string also supports the ability for conditional colouring (such as making negative numbers red). Please increase the size of this field to allow more options. At the very least it should be increased to 50 characters, but ideally it will be increased to 250.
  • Allow fieldgroup(Brick... to be extended on a page

    The Brick type fieldgroup is used to display data as a Brick and is a table property and cannot be extended. If we want to use an existing table but want to use different fields in the Brick, there is no way for us to do this. Also sometimes the fields we want to show may be different depending on the page context. We should be allowed to specify a fieldgroup(Brick... property on a list page or page extension which will override the standard property on the table.
  • Webhook Listener

    # WebhookListener ## Purpose To allow a Webhook Listener to be created in Business Central so that the URI can be provide to a Source application that will call the Webhook when a particular event occurs. ## Use Case We are creating an interface with a third-party Web application that allows us to register a URL as a Webhook listener for a specific event (such as a user's phone number being updated, an order being completed, a document being signed, etc.). We create a Webhook listener to process the incoming request and update our customer record in BC, or take whatever action is required. ## Implementation Details A new Codeunit Subtype called WebhookListener. When selected this will change the method signature of the OnRun trigger to accept an HTTPRequest and return an HTTPResponse. codeunit 50100 MyCodeunit { Subtype = WebhookListener; trigger OnRun(HttpRequest: HttpRequestMessage) HttpResponse: HttpResponseMessage begin end; } We expose the Webhook API endpoint in a similar way to how we expose a Codeunit as a Web service. We create a record in the Web Service table with Object Type = Codeunit, Object ID = 50100, ServiceName = SomeEventListener and tick the Published field. If the subtype for the Codeunit is WebhookListener, this will create an OData V4 URL:{{tenantId}}/{{environmentName}}/companies({{companyId}})/{{serviceName}} Once the Web service is published, any requests made to that URL (no authentication is needed) will result in the OnRun trigger of a new instance of the Codeunit being run with the HttpRequest containing the contents of the received request. It is up to the code within the codeunit to handle the request and set an appropriate response.
  • Support Complex Types in APIs (including custom APIs)

    Allow an page with PageType = API to be embedded as a page part on another page of type API. This will solve the problem of allowing complex types in an API but will also make the sub-entity accessible as its own API. We don't want a new PageType of APIPart, just make it so any API type page can be added to an existing API type page as a part wherever you can put a field. The API Part would have link properties that would require you to set the OData Key Fields for the sub part to values derived from the parent (just like a page part does now).