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  • Appointment activity in CRM App for tablets

    If I remove the "Status" filed from the "Appointment" main form, I do not see the "Activate" button in the CRM App and hence I cannot mark the appointment as "Mark as complete" in the CRM App. This is possible from the web client but the issue is only with the CRM App. I face this issue only when an appointment is created from the CRM web portal and try to change its status from the tablets using CRM App.
    If I create an "Appointment" activity directly from the CRM App then I do see the "Mark as Complete" option in the App.

    Why the functionality is so different in web client and CRM App ?

  • users cannot view the personal view shared to them while accessing MOCA

    "I have created multiple views and shared then with other users. When I log into CRM app in iPad I see those views under my personal views. However, the other users with whom I have shared those views do not see them under their personal views in the CRM App. They do see them in CRM web client

  • unable to switch to a different view in any entity while accessing CRM web portal from safari browser in iPad Air if the total no. of views exceeds the screen size

    Repro Steps
    +In a vanilla org for any entity
    +E.g- for opportunity entity create personal views and system views total around 40 views and now access the CRM online org in iPad Air in safari browser
    +try to open the entity opportunity and select the drop down to switch to a different view, it will blink for second and do not let us to select a new view.
    +kept pressing it and 7th time it loaded when hold the iPad vertically
    +it works fine only when the total no. of views is 34 when hold the iPad vertically and around 23 when hold it horizontally

    +when hold it vertically and have 34 + 1 views, issue is reproducible and when pressed 2 times it loads fine
    so we need to press (no. of excess views + 1) times to load it perfectly

    Note: not only opportunity entity but issue happens if the no. of views exceeds the screen size in any other entity

  • unable to view the complete information form of contact entity in safari browser in iPad Air

    unable to view the complete information form of contact entity in safari browser in iPad Air
    +an information form has below section :
    Notes & Activities
    Opps as Key Contact

    +when accessed the org from iPad Air horizontally in safari browser, user can see only the general section he cannot scroll down to other sections
    +when turned the iPad vertically and now user is able to see only details , Notes & Activities and connections

    Workarounds: Minimize the general section , and now all will see 5 sections and can load all starting from the bottom section

  • unable to add a Competitor record in Associated View on Opportunity records

    We added competitor associated view on the opportunity form and now from the opportunity associated view we are not able to add a competitor to the opportunity record.
    We can add the competitor record from the sub grid in opportunity form and that shows up in the associated view but it is not possible to add directly from the view.
    This issue is reproducible in both online 2013 and onpremise2013.

  • phone call activity in the social pane does not show up as expected.

    "when user creates a phone call activity in the social pane the activity is created with the title of the " call to" person which is expected. But as soon as the page is refreshed the title of the activity is changed from the call to person to the owner of the record"

    +created a test org
    navigated to sales-->accounts--> in the social pane selected Activities --> added a phone call activity and the post shows up like below:

    Rene Valdes (sample)
    Open this activity Collapse this activity
    Completed by Deepika Desingh Just now

    +once the page is refreshed the activity post in the social pane appears as below

    Deepika Desingh
    Open this activity Expand this activity
    Completed by Deepika Desingh Today

    the issue was reproducible in vanilla environment CRM online

  • the negative quantity value of a GP item does not get populated to the quantity field of a invoice product in CRM

    The negative quantity value of a GP item does not get populated to the quantity field of a invoice product in CRM

    Issue is reproducible in vanilla environment:

    Re-pro steps:
    >Mapping GP items to CRM products
    >If the GP items have their quantity filed a positive number then it comes to CRM in invoice products record with same positive number in the quantity filed
    >If the GP items have their quantity filed a negative number then it comes to CRM in invoice products 0 in the quantity filed

    The quantity filed of CRM invoice product accepts the negative value if entered manually

  • On lead and contact form "Full name" composite field is getting split into 'first name' +'last name' + 'middle name' in CRM App for tablets (MOCA)

    On lead and contact form "Full name" composite field is getting split into 'first name' +'last name' + 'middle name' in CRM App for tablets.
    It would be good if composite fields work in Tablets as they work in Web Client

    seems to be By design
    Refer :

  • Inside the Social Pane of a case record , you see the list ok Activities along with the last modified date (Today, Yesterday, [Date]). Instead of this you would like to see the (Created By and Create

    Inside the Social Pane of a case record , you see the list ok Activities along with the last modified date (Today, Yesterday, [Date]). Instead of this we would like to see the (Created By and Created On date).

    We need to be able to Customize the Social pane.

  • Custom "WebpageHTML" , is not shown on Create form on CRm App for tablets

    Custom "WebpageHTML" , is not shown on Create form on CRm App for tablets

    Repro Steps
    1. Create a sample custom "WebpageHTML" display on Task form
    2. Configure CRM App for tablet
    3. Create new Task
    4. On Create Form we do not see the section or Tab of "WebpageHTML"
    5, Once the record is saved , we open and see that section displaying "WebpageHTML" is displayed

    Issue is when on create of records