Public Profile
  • Show number of recods in list

    Add functionality showing number of records in i a list. Exampel, when you have filiterd all Sales Orders that has been created today, you do not see the number of records in a list. You need to export to Excel to be able to see the record number. Add functionality as in Dynamics 365 for Sales that you show the number of records on the botton of the list.

  • Created By, Created On fields on pages/lists

    Please adds fields for Created By, Created On, Updated By, Updated On on all pages / lists. It is important to see when and whom has created a record in the system. Implement the same structure as you have in MS Dynamics 365

  • Show field for Printed on a Production order

    On Sales Order or Purchcase Order you have a field indicating if a Print out has been made; "Printed" 1 or 0. We are missing that type of field on the Production order.

  • Select and print several produktion order

    It is possible to select several production orders in Released Productionorders but when you want to print the report Productionorder - components and routing, you need to type in the Production no. manually. I want to make a selection and print all productionorders in that selection. NB. Create a new production category Production where we can collect ideas around Production, Subcontract and Assembly

  • Output journal, control over delivery

    Please add a parameter to be able to allow or prevent over delivery on a production order via Output Journal / Production Journal Please create a new Category för Production

  • Drop Shipment editable purchase order from Customer order

    User story: Order admin at our customer is creating Sales orders as well as Purchase orders regarding the Drop Shipment / Special Order process. From Lines the Order admin wants to enter the Purchase order via the shortcuts Drop Shipment/ Special order to update the purchase order. Today when using the shortcuts it is not possible to edit the Purchase order.

  • See Description in drop down list, not the code

    I have found it is a general problem BC not showing the description on drop down lists. We have the same problem all over the system. For Payment terms, Salesperson, Resources etc. IE: For resources you want to see the resource name in the drop down list, not the No. Is it possible to have a parameter/ code etc to be able to show the description instead of the Code in the drow down?