Public Profile
  • Global search

    Global search that enables the possibility to search all or a subset of indexed fields and tables.

  • Attachment aggregation through relations in data

    A simple sales pitch will be:
    "Go to a sales order and get the attachments for all items on the sales lines"
    Like building: SalesTable --> SalesLine --> InventTable --> EcoResProduct

    "Go to a project and check out all the documents attached to activities".
    "Go to a sales order and find all the certificates attached to the serial numbers when the product was produced or from a purchase order receipt"

    FinOps only has ONE metadata for a document, but you actually don't need more just a faster way to find the related data!

    You would need to be able to create these aggregated channels yourself and have different views.
    Using relational document aggregation is an awesome way to quickly get to the documents needed. It reduces the requirement for metadata "over tagging". Meaning the document doesn't have to be attached to all the metadata, but only the core record like today. Using the relationships between the data that is created through operational processes you will be able to aggregate documents.

    This is somewhat used in Production with Document groups, but is only locked into ONE scenario. Build something you can mold into whatever you like.

  • Worker field as origin of hierarchy

    When triggering workflows using an automated step (like vendor invoice automation), you would want to use one of the fields in the actual record as the origin of the hierarchy when doing assignments.

    The person requesting the invoice should be the base for the hierarchy.

    Today only workflow originator (the system account) or the workflow owner (worker creating the workflow) is possible to choose.

  • Production Floor management release net requirements

    Make it possible to go directly to Net Requirements from the Release to Production order form in Production Floor Management Workspace.

  • Attach an URL to a form with query in Teams

    Going directly to a Customer Hub or Project from teams would make a great addition to the Power BI and SharePoint documents.

    The reason today: The URL is too long for the web page field. 🎁

  • Shipment date on Purchase order

    Most vendors operate with a "delivery date" being the date where the items are shipped from their site or most often based on Delivery terms. So depending on the Delivery terms (Incoterms)  the concept of delivery date changes. EXW often means a long lead time from shipment to delivery as opposed to DDP where shipment = delivery. There is a lot of misunderstanding with these concepts and that often leads to late deliveries... 

    This means we need a similar feature on shipment and delivery as on the purchase order. Most vendors assume the delivery date is their shipment dates. It is a tough sell to change this, so a feature supporting this is sorely required and something we always do for our customers.

  • Conditional formating in grids

    It would be awesome to be able to create personalization on grids where you could for on field/column  or on an entire row do conditional formating based on field criteria.

    A simple background color would be sufficient as a first edition.

  • Add item name to Planned orders form

    The Planned orders and also the lists on Master planning workspace should also have at least the possibility to add InventTable.SearchName. The best would be Product name translation of the current session language.

    It doesn't have to be in the actual form, but the view used for the form should be able to reach this. So the user can do a personalization to find it...

  • Open tables in Excel

    I really miss the possibility to open any table in Excel directly as in AX2012.

    You know what would be even better? Add the possibility to open and change Dara on queries or as at least on views. 

  • Inheritance of custom fields by Power users

    Now that we have custom fields it is exciting to see if we can take it to a level where it is even more usable.

    One of the most natural processes of creating fields is inheriting them at creation on initialization from another table.

    It would be awesome if we could for instance create a field on InventTable and when creating a new SalesLine this field is inherited into the SalesLine and can be created there. :)