Public Profile
  • Purchase Price

    In the purchase price for vendors, the currency code can't be added as a column. In the overview of purchase prices and discount, You can see the field currency code.
  • Sales Quote and Versions No.

    When I've more than one version of a sales quote or a sales order , the version number is not listened in the subject and also not in the name of the file of the document. So a customer can't see which version it is. For example the attachment Name: Sales Quote SQ018047.pdf in stead of the Sales Quote SQ018047v4.pdf The subject and the attachment Name are always in your working language in stead of the language of the customer (the document itself is)

    When I've more than one version of a sales quote, the version number is not listened in the subject and also not in the name of the file of the document. So a customer can't see which version it is. For example the attachment Name: Sales Quote SQ018047.pdf in stead of the Sales Quote SQ018047v4.pdf The subject and the attachment Name are always in your working language in stead of the language of the customer (the document itself is)