• Set Allow duplicates for new table indexes to Yes by default

    When we create a new table index in previous version(ax2012) Allow duplicates is set to Yes. But it Operation365 it is set to No by default, which can cause some issues if developer forget to change it. Please make Yes as a default value. 

  • File parameters support in SysOperation and RunBase

    Current Dialog and SysOperationTempalte forms still contain old methods for working with files (filename..) and these frameworks(SysOperation and RunBase) were not updated to the new File approach. So right now, if you want to ask user for the file (in SysOperation or RunBase) you will need to write about 60 lines of code(for example ERFileImportUIBuilder, ERImportFormatDataSourceContractUIBuilder and about 10 more places in standard system that repeating these 60 lines each time)

    It will be nice if Microsoft improves SysOperation and RunBase frameworks by adding internal support and processing of File parameters(like it was done in previous versions – you just need to use FileNameOpen EDT in dialog and all other stuff were handled by framework classes).

  • Infolog is limited to 500 messages and easy copy is not available

    Current infolog is showing only last 500 messages and deleting all other messages

    Consider the following job

    for(int i =1; i <= 502; i++) error(strFmt("line error %1", i));

    for(int i =1; i <= 502; i++) info(strFmt("line info %1", i));

    it will display only last 500 messages and status will be info instead of error(it can be the real case for example if we have 1000 lines in journal and first 500 contains an error – user when running journal check will see only last 500 messages and did not see an errors)

    The following problem with the current implementation:

    -no indication that error happened

    -not all messages are displayed

    -not able to easily copy all these messages to clipboard

    -Message limit should be extended(let’s say to 10000) and if the message limit is reached error should be generated to inform user that not all messages are displayed

    Users are definitely will not be happy with this "new infolog" as it is a base function(and it worked fine in AX2012)

  • Add query range type for the Full text CONTAINS statement

    Currently we have the QueryRangeType::FullText(queryBuildRange.rangeType(QueryRangeType::FullText)) as a query range type to use Full Text search. It will be translated to FREETEXT SQL statement. The problem is FREETEXT SQL statement does not support wildcard characters (like *).

    Can you add a new element in QueryRangeType(lets say QueryRangeType::FullTextContains) that will be translated to the CONTAINS SQL statement(that allows *). This function will be very useful in Item search (for example class MCRInventSearch – executeSearch)

  • Missing fields in data entities

    Quite often current data entities don’t contain all fields from the base table (for example LedgerJournalTrans table contains 200 fields, but data entity LedgerJournalLineEntity contains only 40 fields)

    And that can cause a problem, because very often client wants to use some fields that are not exists in data entity and this is not possible without development.

    Can you change this behaviour – by default add all fields from the base table into the data entity