Public Profile
  • Email 'Description' field shows empty in Quick View

    When email is a parent field, using the email Quick View,
    If put the Email 'Description' field in the Quick View, it always shows empty

    Even worse, if you click quick enough,
    when loading, focus on the description field, you can see this 'Invalid Argument' error

  • System Hang During Load of Business Rules in Forms (Spinning Wheels)

    When a form is loading, it sometimes hangs and shows a spinning wheel.
    If we go back to previous page and open it again, it will work.

    In F12 Developer Tools, we can see this error
    Uncaught TypeError: Mscrm.TurboForm.Control.CustomScriptsManager.$1g.contentWindow[$v_0.$77_1] is not a function

    We tried to use 'Legacy Form Rendering', but it did NOT fix the issue.

    These is another similar issue here,