Public Profile
  • Allow comparison of cost price between cost versions

    When printing the "Compare item prices" from the cost version form, it's currently only possible to compare a pending cost to the active cost within the same cost version. I.e. the pending cost and active cost record must be in the same cost version.  It would be helpful to be able to compare the active cost to a pending cost in a new cost version.  You would have this when preparing a new standard cost and you want to see how the new version would affect you cost.

  • Allow posting of Report as finished based on registered quantity

    If the customer does not use Advanced Warehouse management, there is no way to use the arrival journal functionality where you can register incoming goods to a warehouse.  The Product receipt functionality of a purchase order allow for this and the same functionality should exist for the production orders.

    This could be used where we manage the production receipt from the production order into a 3PL warehouse.

