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  • Check whether Incoming Document has already been added in Outlook Addin

    Incoming Documents has a lot of potential and the outlook integration is fantastic. The only issue is that it is possible for multiple people to get the same email and try and submit it. Given that it is a unique filename and email may have a checksum signature, it would be very beneficial for the system to warn that it has already been submitted. Much as Office does if an attachment has already been uploaded to the cloud. Also check the other idea on ability to add file as a supporting document.
  • Specify an attachment as a supporting document for Incoming Documents in Outlook Addin

    Supporting Documents on Incoming Document record is an excellent feature that many other products don't have. It supports multiple use cases for us. However, there is no way to indicate that an attachment received in an email is not an incoming document, but should be treated as a support document for one or more attachments.
  • Recognise forwarded email in Outlook Addin

    At this time if someone forwards you an email from a vendor or customer, the Outlook Addin for Business Central doesn't recognise it and you are forced to use a manual process. Addin should be able to recognise a forwarded email and scan embedded contents, recognising a forwarded email and offering the ability to work with the email.
  • Create Manual from Incoming Documents copies OCR header fields

    It is not always possible to do a full correct mapping from OCR result, however it would be useful if the correct header details including vendor, vendor invoice number and order number came across with the document. The verification with the total amount from OCR then acts as a check. Especially for items that are being matched against purchase orders this would be extremely useful.
  • Filter out any cancelled purchase receipts when assigning item charges

    Just noticed that the system allowed me to assign item charges to a purchase receipt that was cancelled, after identifying that there were duplicate lines with the sales purchase order number. Navigation showed that this was an issue everywhere - including item tracking. The system needs to better filter out these lines. Whilst this won't impact the GL, it will impact value entries and accurate costing of items.
  • Overhaul date management on drop ship purchase orders

    Currently the column headings still use the language of expected receipt date when working with drop shipment lines. However, these dates really correspond to the date of shipment in practical usage. The captions should reflect this behaviour. Since a purchase order can only be drop ship or not drop ship this should be an issue. In addition if you change a date expected receipt in a drop shipment, that should change the corresponding date for planned shipment in the sales order line. Of course there are many others also clamouring for other general improvements :- synchronise quantity changes (netsuite does this), provide for automated generation of drop ship purchase orders without requisition sheet.
  • Campaign segment page needs email address and excel page open abilities

    Everyone knows the CRM functionality is shall we say, a little 'lacklustre'. However it would be greatly improved with a few simple additions. -Display email address -Allow you to generate a draft email to target segment ready for you to enter details -An email editor to edit email and insert merge fields Failing that can Microsoft please release a reasonably price edition of Dynamics Customer Engagement and Marketing that fits nicely BC.
  • More efficient send email dialog

    The current Edit-Send Email dialog allows you to choose between "From Email Body Template" or "Custom". The former is conveniently autogenerated but is not editable. The latter gives you a completely blank slate. This is very inefficient as most of the time you want to just add a bit of information or make a slight change. Therefore, you should have the ability to edit the rich text displayed (I know BC doesn't have any good rich text editing at the moment) in order to make minor changes to the generated content. Preferably use best of open source or leverage some of the work going on in the Dynamics ecosystem such as As a power bonus, it would be very helpful if a preview of the attachment was also provided at the same time as it will assist in editing the content of the email. I suspect this will take care of the crowd who miss Outlook.
  • Invoices Applied FactBox in Payment Journal

    Suggest payments functionality on payment journal is great...however... When you use suggest payments and summarise per vendor it is difficult to know what makes up the total and quickly find the related incoming document. If you use Inbound Documents, you need to click Process-Apply Entries, then Line-Show Posted Document and then click Information and then download - if you have multiple applied entries that is extremely tedious. Instead (and I've built this already in a tenant-specific extension), you should have an Invoices Applied Factbox that shows external document number, remaining amount and a link to download the related main extension for the incoming document. If you are manually paying vendors this also provides easy access to reference numbers to be used.
  • The Ideas Platform needs an overhaul

    It is anyone else growing frustrated that Ideas Platform itself is now a headwind to effective collaboration with the product team. My idea - quite simple, get the product team to either drive change in the Dynamics ideas platform or supplement it with an offline process similar to the SAP ideas process. What we need: -A monthly view of what new ideas have credence and will be explored - with clear scorecard around rationale. Maybe share a PowerPoint and give someone clear responsibility for this task. -A near real-time clean-up / pruning of ideas that are duplicated or will never be pursued -Investment in community co-design where ideas can be elaborated and communicated visually -Some kind of better prioritization scheme than vote count, since that doesn't lead to coherent product design and prioritization