Public Profile
  • Making an actual working e-mail editor for marketing professionals

    The "drag and drop-editor" is just a marketing term. It doen't work properly. Please buy or build an e-mail editor that can compete with other Marketing Automation tooling like Pardot, Marketo, Sharpspring or even ClickDimension.

  • Make a pricing model that fit companies with larger databases

    Please adjust the pricing model. Microsoft asks extra fee for more than 10.000 contacts. That means that the price goes pretty fast to the level of high-end Marketing Automation competitors. That's not fair. Unfortunately we had to decide that Dynamics for Marketing is to expensive ($6000,- per month) instead of Click Dimensions ($650)

  • Spam/Spoofing friendly URL -

    As an MS partner we hear often complains about the authenticity of the Dynamics email URL's. With worldwide ransomware attacks in mind, people are more skeptic about the URL they click. When hovering over an URL from a Dynamcis email, results in a large URL that is being interpreted suspicious by a number of our clients. Pro's if implemented into Dynamics - We think that a short URL with the client domain included will perform much better in Spam filters - Higher clickrates - Beter sender reputation scores - More trust Con's if not impemented: The URL's that dynamcis now uses, are long and hard to see who the source is. With the increasing number of Ransomware and phising mailings, we see that this becomes a larger problem in the last year. Therfore we hope you will make this issue a top priority to change the URL into a shorter and more authentic URL.
  • Make life more simple: Categorise segments, fields, attributes, entities

    With no doubt MS Dynamics 365 is the most advanced segmentation builder for marketers comparing to other marketing automation platforms. There are a ton of capabilities to make the segment that you want. But...... there is a huge con on to the way that Dynamics 365 helps the marketer to make fast and spot-on segments, and that is the lack of good categorisations in the queries. I would like to see that segments are build up into the following method: 1. First select if you want to make a dynamic or a static lists (and make it adjustable afterwards) 2. Second, just open the editor ;-) or let the user choose: start from scratch vs. start with a template 3. Third and the most important part: the editor!! a few tips to make the editor more easy to use for marketers 😊 a) first suggestion: The posibility to build a segment based on a activity or based on a certain attribute is now done into seperate Query blocks on the bottom of the module. Why do so? If you make this a simple dropdown option at the top, than you see in a glance what kind of query this is! Very useful and easy to implement. 👌 b) if you want to choose a filter for example with a queryblock, you have more than ten options to choose. It would be better to have this categorised, so the most used filters are easy to find. My suggestion would be: Categorise. And start simple with: - Account - Contact - Leads - Other entities that users choose less often (Events, Building, Foms, etc etc) then if the user want to select an attribute, categorize again, for example: Main category: Demografic/General -> Age, Gender, Industry, number of employees etc) Main category: Geografic -> Adress, country, billing adres etc) Main category: Financial -> Revenue, total revenue year/month etc) Main category: Communication-> Email, memberships, preferred language, leadowner, etc) Main category: Behavioural -> Email clicks, leadscore, website visits, submitted forms, events visited etc) Main category: Other -> Less common filters (you probably can easily investigate wich attribute are less popular, but are handy to have in place. et voila! You have a beter segmentation builder with the same posibilities, but easier to use. More userfriendly for marketers and in line with the workmethod of Dynamics compettitors. But than more advanced ;-) Please vote this idea up to make segmentation even beter in 2021!