Public Profile
  • On change of Primary Incident Type also replace subordinated records

    After a new Work Order is created and a Primary Incident Type populated, at least the following records get populated into the new Work Order coming from the Primary Incident: - Work Order Products - Work Order Services - Work Order Service Tasks - Characteristics If a User changes the Primary Incident Type lookup on the Work Order form, non of the mentioned sub-records gets removed or replaced with those of the new Primary Incident Type. Leading to i.e. Service Tasks which are usually thought to be related to the first Incident Type but now get related to the second new Incident Type. That creates some funny constellations. => If a User replaces the value of the Primary Incident Type field, a warning should appear as if a User deleted a non-primary Incident: "The incident can't be deleted. Delete the associated service tasks and try again.". => After the User has populated a new Primary Incident Type into the field of the Work Order, also the Service Tasks etc. of the new Primary Incident Type should be populated into the Work Order.

  • Being able to use a Cusomer Asset on a Work Order without the need for the Service Account to be related to that Asset

    If there are Customer Assets that change their location from time to time (cars, ships, lorries, trains, construction machines, ...) it is painful to appropriately plan Work Orders ahead of time for the same Asset but changing locations. When trying to decouple a Customer Asset from the Service Account you're most likely to get an error "The customer asset must be related to the service account of the current work order." when you try to add Work Order Incidents / Service Tasks / Products / Services to the Work Order and want to utilize the OOB Customer Asset field in those Sub-Records. Otherwise, if you're not able to rely on the address provided by the Asset's Account, you would need a custom plugin/async process to overwrite the address on the Work Order. So it would be great if this restriction would be lifted.

  • Reflect the "first day of the week" setting also in Schedule Board

    Under Advanced Settings | Administration | System Settings | Select Formats | Customize | Date we're able to set the first day of the week. However this setting is not reflected in calendar pop up on top of the schedule board.

  • Allow to set the First Day of the Week per country / culture.

    Under Advanced Settings | Administration | System Settings | Select Formats | Customize | Date we're able to set the first day of the week. However this setting is organisation wide and therefore independent of the culture which is set in "Current Format" in each users personal settings. So it should be possible, similar to the Date format etc. for the User to choose this. Or it should alternatively be possible to define this setting individually for each Format / Culture.
  • Improve (new) Work Hours calendar control and functionality on Bookable Resource

    Even with the new Work Hours calendar (April 2020 release) there is still the same old behavior and information displayed on the calendar is still not consistent with what is displayed in Schedule Board: If a weekly schedule was set up and afterwards you want to change the Work Hours for one specific day via the Work Hours Calendar you have to follow this rule: - EXTENDING work hours above the formerly defined start/end-borders of this day (defined by the weekly schedule): possible by editing the day - REDUCING Work Hours: only possible by defining additional Non-working hours. Reason: there is still the weekly schedule for this edited day in the background (even when it is not displayed at all in Work Hours Calendar, after you have edited the day). The "resulting" Work Hours are a cross mix of the Weekly AND the daily Hours, after the day was edited. => not intuitive at all and not transparent (as not displayed anywhere). Even setting up a new weekly schedule is a special experience. If you open up a new resource's Work Hours you first need to delete existing Hours before you can set up a Weekly Schedule that is displayed in Schedule Board. If you just directly click on: New=>Working Hours and start adding a new weekly schedule (i.e. from tomorrow on), in Resource Calendar control everything looks fine, but nothing of the new weekly schedule is reflected in Schedule Board (probably because the former (not deleted) 24/7 schedule overlays the new weekly schedule. But why is it that the former schedule is used in Schedule Board and the latter in Resource Calendar. That doesn't make sense to me. In my opinion the former schedule should automatically be deleted for the overlaying days, as soon as there is a new one created or an existing one is edited. And it should not matter whether the editing happens on a daily or weekly base.

  • Allow to change the size of a multiline text field displayed in a quick view form

    Today you only can display two lines of text when having a multiline text field on a quick view form. And there is no way to change the size. That makes the Quick View useless for many multiline text fields.

  • Allow to use multiline text fields for Calculated Fields

    Today there is no possibility to use the value of a multiline text field in the formula of a Calculated Field. This is missing.

  • Allow to have differing Incident pattern within a Agreement Booking Setup

    Or Field Service customers often ask how to set something like this up: Incident Type A monthly Additionally Inc Type B every quarter Additionally Inc Type C every year So that a yearly maintenance job consists of Inc Type A,B and C but a monthly job contains only A. Another example: If you have a monthly maintenance and a yearly for the same Customer/Asset/Location, how to set that up? Today you either need a) to create a monthly Agreement Booking Setup, than delete each 12th Agreement Booking Date AND create another yearly Agreement Booking Setup. OR b) create for each month a different Agreement Booking Setup or another even stranger logic (every 2. month plus x ...) b) isn't really nice and a) doesn't always stay consistant. There are some cases where all Agreement Booking Dates that haven't been processed (WO not generated) are deleted and recreated again from scratch: - change the pre- post booking flexibility - add a Custom Date in Booking Recurrence dialog - Add preferred start time - extend duration of Agreement (postpone Agreement.'End Date') - ... Both of the ways aren't how a customer would want to set up Agreements.

  • Allow to set the Scope of Business Rules to Quick Create forms

    It it always hard to create a Business Rule that works for both: Quick Create as well as Main forms. Setting the Scope to All Forms usually leads to duplicate Business Rules and/or unnecessary fields on QC forms. Please allow us to set the Scope to each of the Quick Create Forms as well!
  • Owning Business Unit on Forms

    Please provide the Field "Owning Business Unit" as a Field / Value / Column that can be added to a Form as most of the other fields (but only read only).