Public Profile
  • QST Registration Number on Reports

    Currently on Invoice Reports we can display the GST/HST Registration Number, However the QST Registration Number cannot be added to reports. 

    Many companies require both the GST/HST & QST Registration Number for expense reporting.

    It does not need to be added to reports by default but having the option to add it to a report if requested would be really helpful. It would be nice to add the field so it can be accessed with RDL or Word XML Mapping.

  • Detailed Tax breakdown in Orders, Invoices, and Quotes based on province

    We would like to be able to see a more detailed breakdown of taxes instead of just the Total Tax amount.


    This is what the Order, Quote, and Invoice Tax section looks like:




    I would like it to look like this to change based on the Province in the Vendor or Customer because some provinces have different tax types here is an example:

    Taxes Based On Province

    No province has all of these tax types but it would be nice to see the values without having to post the invoice and generate a report.

  • Ability to change currency seperator

    We have a few customers in Quebec who would like to insert their amounts using a decimal instead of a comma. 

    When switching to a comma we receive an error saying it is not a valid amount.

    Some users would like to have the comma available for reports but insert data as a period because the numpad uses a period and not a comma on most standard keyboards.