Public Profile
  • Please provide "query templates" for segmentation

    Please provide "query templates" for creating dynamic segments. Useful "query templates" could be - "I want to find contacts who have registered to an event" - "I want to find contacts who attended an event" - "I want to find contacts who have submitted a form" - "I want to find contacts with open leads" - "I want to find contacts with open opportunities" - "I want to find contacts based on contact details" - "I want to find contacts based on account details" - "I want to find contacts who are marketing list members" - "I want to find contacts who have completed a survey" For example selecting "I want to find contacts who have submitted a form" would add all necessary rows to the designer and the user would just select the right form / type the form name and publish the query.

  • Please show only field Display Names in the query builder

    Please show only field Display Names in the query builder. Schema names are often not that user friendly. Plese also consider is it necessary to show contact GUIDs in the segment's contact view.

  • Please make it possible to create a random sample segment or marketing list for surveys

    Some organizations want to send surveys to randomly selected recipients that respresent a certain customer segment. Please make it possible to create a segment or marketing list to which you can add a random sample of contacts from another segment or marketing list.

  • Event language management

    Please build throughout event language management capabilities. We need to be able to 1) select one language or 2) select multiple languages for an event. When we select event language(s), this should limit the language options available in event portal. Portal visitor browser language should not affect this. We need to be able to create event content in different languages in the same way as we can in Power Apps portals. If event portal visitor changes the language, the event content should be displayed in the selected language. Changing the language should not take the visitor to the home page since some organizations prefer not to use the home page.
  • Lead scoring based on form purpose

    Please make it possible to score a form submission based on Form purpose (event registration, contact us, newsletter subscription etc.). Now we need to select between a certain form or use the form name. The first option means a lot of work if you have tens of forms and the latter is subject to human errors.
  • Easy to use report of submitted data

    Easy to use report of submitted data. Compare with Customer Voice Survey Response which contains question responses in an easy to read format. This report could also be accessed from the lead / contact insights to which it is related. At the same time this could also be related to option of not mapping all form fields to lead or contact fields, including option sets. User could just check the submitted data from the report. Adding all fields needed on the forms to for example lead table is unnecessary since they might only be used in a single campaign.