Public Profile
  • Average cost calculation only when the full financial quantity is available

    This was the case up to AX 2009 if I'm correct. When stock closing is run, it appears now that a partial financial quantity is used to calculate a partial average cost. It is then not a real average cost, but looks more like a FIFO. Would be sufficient a checkbox on the item model group to select whatever way.
  • Inventory in a different UOM

    In AX2012, there was a possibility to show released product inventory in stock unit, but also in purchase, sales or another unit. This has disappeared. Could it be possible to set it back?

  • Custom fields move to other environment

    Custom fields are a good idea to let power users add targeted information data to most of the forms. It works, as long as you remain in the same environment. During implementation projects, we create fields to help user figure out what will be their live D365 FinOps, but when comes go live, all must be redone manually. When you do some customization for interfaces, you must use devboxes and any developer must redo the job to create the custom fields. It comes that the function comes useless, as it is then quicker to create them the old way with extensions. The ability to move custom fields to other environments would be a nice feature to enhance what is a good starting point