Public Profile
  • Ability to make a field mandatory by personalizing form

    Add a new feature to the personalize form functionality to allow users to make fields mandatory where they are not. This would allow users to streamline processes and avoid customization.

  • Ability to automatically set "To Date" on any active Trade Agreement


    I'd like to suggest a feature to the Trade Agreements functionality. Sometimes Trade Agreement lines are created without specifying a value in the "To date", meaning that these prices will be active indefinitely. I suggest that a check box is available in the Trade Agreement Journal Line and if such option is set to 'Yes' the system will then retire any existing active trade agreement for the given scenario.

    The objective is to allow users to deactivate existing active trade agreements by posting a new one. The new feature (if developed in form of a checkbox/option) must also be available in the data entity "Open Sales Price Journal Lines".

    This feature should also be extended to all Trade Agreement relations:

    Purchase Price and Discount
    Sales Price and Discount