Public Profile
  • Add unattached receipts to the expense report form

    Most of our customers want to use the Expense management Mobile App to record expenses. The unattached receipts is also one of the functionalities that they wish to use. Though when the unattached receipts have been synchronized to the form in D365. The great help would be to be able to directly add the unattached receipts to the expense report form, like it is already possible to directly add the unattached expense lines (also deriving from e.g. Mobile App) to the Expense report.
  • MobileApp: to have captured expense receipts to auto populate date, amount etc.

    The Expense management Mobile App could be more helpful to the users. The users in general find the Expense handling in D365 and the Mobile App quite heavy and not so user friendly. One of the wishes was that the App helps the user a bit more. As when a user has captured a receipt on the Mobile App, that the App reads some of the information and populates it on the Expense in the Mobile App, info as the date, amount, etc. Some other systems have this functionality already.
  • Expense lines - doublets validation is missing

    To reduce the possibility of fraud and error in users recording same/duplicate expenses, on purpose or not. All our customers are looking for a way of preventing doublets to occur. It would be very helpful if some sort of validation is made standard, that when the same user submits an expense report, with a line the same category, on the same date (also interval for e.g. per diems), and with the same amount, and if a project, then also the same project, that a validation happens, and notifies the user.