Public Profile
  • Document handling towards statements and shifts

    For a retailer there will always be some cash deviations, and for a retailer it is important to document the reason why there is a cash deviation in the tender declarations. This is often user errors or misunderstandings. The ability to document the reasons behind the issues are important, and the ability to attach documents/notes/pictures to the deviations are essential. On unposted statements it is possible to attach documents, but this is not transfered to the posted statements. Also it is not possible to attach documents to shifts or posted statements. For audit purposes it is a requirement to document theese deviations. Repro steps: 1. Create a retail statement, and attach a note/document to the statement header 2. Post the statement, and then check if the document is related to the posted statement. 3. Try adding a document/note to a shift 4. Try adding a document/note to a posted retail statement.
  • Item aggregation in POS breaks when having multiple dicounts

    If you set up 5 mix and match discounts, and where there is a quantity discount of a product where: 5 pcs = 199, 10 pcs = 398, 20 pcs = 740, 30 pcs = 1050, 40 pcs = 1320, 50 pcs = 1450. The product is being scanned one-by-one in the POS. This results in the fact that the POS lines are not being correctly aggregated, and the customer ends up to many POS line in the POS screen, that are equal. End-customers that looks at the dual-display react to this and the POS operators find it confusing. This idea is for making sure the aggregation on the POS line are correct and better. Repro steps: 1. Create 5 mix and match dicounts (either on a product or category) with the following pricings; 5 pcs = 199, 10 pcs = 398, 20 pcs = 740, 30 pcs = 1050, 40 pcs = 1320, 50 pcs = 1450. 2. Distribute this to a POS(MPOS/CPOS) 3. Scan/key in one by one line with the same item and see that the lines are splitted correcty related to the discount, but not aggregated correctly as the quantity increase. Support requests have been created, but was not accepted as a bug. "Retail is Detail", and issues like this causes questions and some retailer say this is weakening their brand and focus on quality.

  • Inventory quantity adjustments from warehouse form and as a separate form with query capabilities

    From the on-hand form, a user can click on the "quantity adjustment" menu item, and then perform quantity adjustments. It is also possible to do this from the inventory location form. What is highly requested from retailers, is the possibility to also have this functionallity directly on the warehouse form and/or as a separate menuitem where a query can be applied to get the quantity adjustment lines. A scenario is that in a small store, selling consumable items (like cake/drinks etc), the cashier can at end-of-day do a quantity adjustment on the store easily. Please add this to the product backlog

  • Counting on different Unit of measurements

    At Retailers there is a need to be able to count and adjust the onhand in different units. Like counting/adjusting pallets, boxes or pcs. It is therefore a requirement to be able to count in a different unit then the inventory unit. Please add this to the product backlog.

  • Aggregated inventory transaction view

    For retailers, there can be thousands of transactions on a item in a short amount of time. The ability to show aggregated inventory transactions is therefore a highly requested feature. Select "time-buckets", like day/week/month, and then the ability to see som of sales/purchases/countings etc aggregated would make the inventory transaction screen more usefull to retailers. Please add this to the product backlog.

  • Weight and Volumetric information per unit of measurement

    At retailers, it is important to keep track of Weight and Volumetric information per unit of measurement. In standard D365, this information is only available directly on the released product on the inventory unit. What is requested is to be able to specify this on the different unit's of measurement. The idea is therefore the ability to spesify this on the unit conversion table of the product.