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  • Include Payment ID and Payment specification in exported Excel under "Create Payment Proposal".

    Many D365 users have huge amounts of payments, both including Payment ID and Payment Specification. Whether Payment ID og Payment specification is filled out determine what kind of file (Pain 001) that generates (Strd/Ustrd). It's very time consuming to review each line to check that payment ID and/or payment specification is right in all lines, to ensure that the payments will be right. This problem can easily be solved by including payment ID and Payment specification fields in the Excel-book that can be exported from the same table (right click one of the headlines of the columns under "create payment proposal" and click export all rows).

  • Extend payment reference field payment journal AR

    Several D365 users receive more individual customer payments for each payment (e.g a total payment received from a bank terminal with more payments included thus several payment references for each payment). Today there exist a limit for the 'payment reference' Field under AR->Payments ->Payment journal of 34 characters. This Field should be extended to allow way more characters (100 Fields or so) to secure that customers with payments with several payment references in one payment line could have an overview of all payment references in the 'payment reference'-Field in D365FO without having to enter the camt-file (or go into other systems) to find all of the references.