Public Profile
  • Availability of historical blocking chain information

    Email alerts or historical information available somewhere which provides details (SPIDs, SQL statements and so on) of blocking chains in the Production environment (and ideally sandboxes too). With previous versions (e.g. AX 2009/2012), this information could be easily captured using SQL Server profiler / extended events tracing and DynamicsPerf included an analysis feature to go with it (and/or there are various other analysis tools available). In my opinion this is essential, as blocking analysis is an integral part of mitigating and preventing performance issues in any ERP system. Catching the issue at the time is in theory possible in LCS, however is not practical as it relies heavily on human intervention, within seconds more often than not. In D365FFO Production/Sandbox (with SQL Azure), 2 possible options are: 1) Use extended events. I appreciate this would require some Azure storage to be used. e.g. a combination of these 2: Set up the extended events for blocking- Configure Azure storage - 2) Use the Watchdog service to monitor sys.sysprocesses for blocking and if blocking exists, output the blocking chain information into a text or xml file (which gets attached to an email and/or at least an internal ticket), using a relatively straightforward DMV query script like one of the following.
  • Data masking of GDPR fields

    Table fields now have a GDPR property to indicate sensitivity of the data. A new feature in SSMS enables data masking. It would be great if the two features could be combined to either become part of the automated data refresh process from production to non production, or a separate LCS feature to give customers the option.

  • Ability to schedule self service features in Lifecycle Services

    Currently the only way to execute self service features in LCS is on demand, e.g. Maintain>Move database. Given that most maintenance operations need to happen out of hours, I think it would be very useful to be able to schedule them instead of having to wait for them to run interactively. Example scenario: A customer is doing an update from 8.0 to 8.1.x and as part of that needs to be prepare a sandbox environment for testing. as part of that preparation, there is a requirement to have the latest data from Production. By having the ability to schedule the database refresh, this could be left to run overnight to reduce the impact on timelines by not being a contingent task during the day.