Public Profile
  • Allow User to Remove Linked PO on Service Call (Field Service)

    If you use Generate PO option on a Service Call, the parts get linked to PO. If the user decides that they will NOT wait for that item or find the item elsewhere, they cannot remove the item from the Service Call due to the linking in the SVC00203 and POP10110 table. IT is required to run a series of scripts to remove the linking so the item can be removed from the Service Call. Please add functionality so the user can remove the linking and the part can be removed from the Service Call. SQL Code being used to release Item: UPDATE SVC00203 SET SRVSTAT = '10I', TRNSFLOC = '', TRNSFQTY = '0.00000', PONMBRSTR = '', POLNSEQ = '0.00000' where dex_row_id = '10009668' UPDATE POP10110 SET REQSTDBY = '', LINEORIGIN = '0' WHERE DEX_ROW_ID = '98055'

  • PTE – Timesheet and Expense App for Apple and Android

    Allow users to manage Timesheet and Expense documents with attachment/receipt support using mobile devices. There are several 3rd party solutions that do this same thing, but it would be great to have a Microsoft supported solution.

  • Allow Summary Distributions to be changed

    In Project Accounting - Expense Entry prior to 2016 you were able to edit Distributions at the Summary Level. With the newer versions now you need to change it a line level. The problem is that you cannot break up the distributions using the same account. We currently break the expense up using the same account but use the Reference line to put a project ID so we can break cost down directly in Financials. Please add an option with the Line Distribution Feature that would allow companies to make changes at the summary level if necessary. This was available till 2015 R2 and then it was removed without realizing that companies use this option for better financial reporting. We also found a similar issue with Receiving Transactions but were able to find a workaround by adding other distributions then removing the Cost of Goods line and then changing the Others to Cost of Goods. The option of changing Summary Distribution should be in all other screens where this line distribution feature was added. Thank you for your up votes!
  • Add the ability to open a closed field service call

    Please add the ability to re-open a service calls that was already invoiced. Users make mistakes and it requires them to make adjustment on the service call. Add a special security role for this since we want to make sure the invoice has NOT already been posted in case a return needs to processed. We use the following process on SQL to do this: UPDATE SVC00200 SET SRVRECTYPE=2,SRVSTAT='10I' WHERE CALLNBR=@CALLNBR and SRVRECTYPE=3 UPDATE SVC00210 SET SRVRECTYPE=2 WHERE CALLNBR=@CALLNBR and SRVRECTYPE=3 UPDATE SVC00212 SET SRVRECTYPE=2 WHERE CALLNBR=@CALLNBR and SRVRECTYPE=3 UPDATE SVC00220 SET SRVRECTYPE=2,Invoiced_Amount=0,Amount_To_Invoice=0 WHERE CALLNBR=@CALLNBR and SRVRECTYPE=3 UPDATE SVC00230 SET SRVRECTYPE=2 WHERE CALLNBR=@CALLNBR and SRVRECTYPE=3 UPDATE SVC00231 SET SRVRECTYPE=2,POSTED=0,POSTEDDT='19000101' WHERE CALLNBR=@CALLNBR and SRVRECTYPE=3 UPDATE SVC00201 SET SRVRECTYPE=2 WHERE CALLNBR=@CALLNBR and SRVRECTYPE=3 UPDATE SVC00203 SET SRVRECTYPE=2 WHERE CALLNBR=@CALLNBR and SRVRECTYPE=3 UPDATE SVC00202 SET SRVRECTYPE=2 WHERE CALLNBR=@CALLNBR and SRVRECTYPE=3

  • Multiple Equipment IDs on a Field Service Call

    Add the ability to have multiple equipment IDs on a Field Service Call.