Public Profile
  • Office 365 group support for managing project documents

    Currently document management in AX does't support office 365 group for managing project related documents and communication. Office 365 group is a great way to store project documents and collect all project related communication. Enabling support for office 365 groups similar to Dynamics CRM will allow user to have an unified project management experience.


  • Multi select option for performing WBS task status update in effort and cost tracking view

    Currently, the user can update WBS task completion status only on an individual task level. There is no option for users to select multiple WBS task and perform the "Mark as complete" or "Mark as in progress" status updates. Please provide this functionality to improve the productivity of end users.



  • WBS integration with Microsoft Project online

    Currently, the project client integration is supporting only desktop scenario and has no option to publish the project schedule to Microsoft Project Online environment. WBS in operations is lacking some key features such as project schedule baseline, task relationships (Finish to Finish, Start to Start, Start to Finish), slack and enterprise resource capacity management. These advanced features are available in Microsoft Project online and it makes more sense to have native integration to Project online. This will enable project based companies to perform advanced project schedule in Project online environment as recommended by PMBOK industry standard.