Public Profile
  • Appointment Insights (Wider Appointment Interaction)

    Showing email interaction could be very useful.  It would be really good if this could be extended to Appointments, users would be able see if an Appointment invite has been read, marked as Accepted (or Rejected) and would also see cards for this.

    Related to this and I believe this has been asked in the past, it would be really useful if Appointment invites could be sent via CRM using a template approach, similar to email functionality.

    We have a number of Appointment setters rather than users setting their own Appointments and this functionality could be really useful, I suspect for many others too.

  • Custom Alerts / Cards

    It would be really useful to be able to create custom alerts or cards for insights.  An example could be to create an alert / card for an Opportunity that has been stuck in a stage (process bar) for a period of time.

    The first step would be to be able to raise an alert via custom code / workflows, followed by the Relationship Insights section being able to automate these custom alerts (could be more challenging).