Public Profile
  • Allow minor changes to purchase requisitions without recalling

    In most workflow systems, minor edits can be made to purchase requisitions without having to go back through the entire approval process. Non material changes such as updating user defined 1, user defined 2, or changing the description of the item without changing the price should be allowed to be made, at least by people who have the purchasing manager type role in GP. It would be nice if you could configure which fields people are allowed to change.. Especially for the buyer, sometimes the buyer needs to change the vendor ID or the item is out of stock so they have to change the quantity or cancel a line.
  • Better font scaling to support all screen resolutions

    GP does not scale properly on all the newer displays out there, especially when you try to use it on a Surface Pro, the font size is tiny. Certain things scale up fine, like the text in the reminders window with the tasks, but the buttons are tiny. The menus such as Transactions look OK, but once you go into the GL Journal Entry window the text for the field descriptions is extremely small and difficult to read on my laptop with a 1920x1080 resolution.
  • Workflow conditions multiple values in a single condition separated by comma

    In most query tools today you can have multiple values in a single condition. When building out workflow for GP, we often use the requested by field and have to repeate the conditions several times if there are more then one user. For example: Amount < 5000 and Requested by = Rklaproth OR Amount < 5000 and Requested by = Jsmith OR AMount < 5000 and Requested by = Mjones It would be MUCH easier if we would do it this way: Amount < 5000 and Requested by = Rklaproth, Jsmith, Mjones Basically when creating a condition, the system would look if you have a comma and another value and treat it like a unique operand. In SQL for example we can do this: Select * from RM00101 where custnumbr IN ('rklaproth', 'jsmith', 'mjonees') AND city = 'San Diego' And SQL will return those 3 customer numbers if they are in San Diego. So, having this in the workflow condition editor would be very helpful, and also even allowing us to copy and paste a SQL query into the condition editor would be even better.