Public Profile
  • Catch weight in WHS process

    Although there are third party solution for this, they come with a larger suite of code that over-layers the standard code. They are also expensive for what new customer sees that should come as standard.

    Customers that need to use catch weight cannot use WHS, and the change required is very hard to write without over-layering the standard product. 

  • Add delegates to the form letter posting classes

    This is part of extensibility. Please add delegates for key parts of the posting cycle so we can safely interact with the sales and purchase posting classes.

    For example:

    onJournalCreated / ing(...)

    onJournalLineCreated / ing(...)


  • Add a list of missing or unnecessary package references in the build output.

    With each major release, the packages' structure can change, causing extension package to fail due to a missing package reference. The opposite can also happen, where a package reference is no longer required (as the referenced element has moved to a different package).


    It would be useful to give a message in the project build output listing missing package references, and also to suggest a reference is removed.


    Adding references is merely a time consuming exercise as it won't build until they are added, but there isn't any help removing unnecessary references.