Public Profile
  • Stop Site / warehouse parameter

    Many customers need to stop working on a specific site or warehouse for all users. as a workaround, we can use this function to achieve that but it is very hard work. so, if we create parameter per warehouse /site (blocked) Yes or No. it will help users and save time.

  • SLA for Ideas

    The consultant may be spent 1 day or 1 week to confirm his idea implemented or not. I can see here many ideas under review from 1 year without a response from Microsoft team. so I to suggest SLA for Every step and acknowledged for idea owner and others. Also, Based on which criteria (idea accepted or not), I can see most of the people voted up for an idea, but no action like this *** yes, I know Microsoft is the owner but Customers invest in the application with Microsoft also.
  • Preview pane like AX 2012

    You can see preview pane in many Grids like All sales order, all purchase order In AX 2012 The Preview Panes are a great part if developed in D365 like AX2012
  • Autocomplete parameter

    In AX 2012, there is an option per user called autocomplete. if this functionality developed here, it will be Great to help users in Data Entry
  • receive notifications every (time) Parameter

    It is a great idea if we have an option to receive notifications every specific time. so the user can receive notifications every minute or hour ...etc if this option setup per user, it will be great.