Public Profile
  • Provide a container type profile in the same way as the location profile

    There are situations where warehouse inventory data may not be more consistent.
    If the policy profile for shelf locations is for single-item, single-batch, and single-inventory status, when an LP is moved from these locations to a ground location, which by its nature is multi-item, multi-batch and multi-inventory status, LP policies are no longer guaranteed. A warehouse worker can operate on the LP and inadvertently broke the original policies.
    It is necessary to provide a container type profile where we can set the right policies that must be garante in multi-item, multi-batch, etc. locations.

    Thanks and best regards.

  • Provide demand replenishment in short pick process

    There is situations where during a short-pick the goods is not located at picking locations but in stock locations and the location directives do not contemplate to pick goods from stock. It is necessary to create a demand replenishment work to move goods from stock to pick and avoid to leave the demand unsatisfied.

  • Set "Arrived" status when a purchase order transaction is inserted on an Item arrival journal

    For inbound transaction like a purchase order line, deprecated module WMSII uses the transaction status "Arrived" when you create a row in a Item arrival journal and you use a pallet transport. Now pallet transport is no longer usable, but the status "Arrived" can be still useful to report on InventSum when the goods is arrived in warehouse (item arrival journal line created) but not yet registered (item arrival journal line posted). The flow of the status should be: "On order" > "Arrived" > "Registered" > "Received" > ...

  • Batch master data must be linked to product's dimensions

    Currently, the batch master data is linked only to the product, regardless of size, color, size, etc. for which the batch ID was created. This is a limitation because in order to know to which product's dimensions the batch ID is linked it is necessary to query the inbound transaction of the goods.