Public Profile
  • Add filters to the "Show Journal" in POS

    To make it easier to browse the transaction journal in POS it would be nice to have the possibility to filter on different fields like the transaction types, register, operator id, etc. It could make easier for example to filter on "Safe drop" to get an overview of the "Safe drop" transactions or type "Sale" where total is negative to see all the returns.
  • Support using standard D365FO report printout from POS

    When a customer requests a quotation in POS, the customer expects a printout on a A4/Letter sized paper. It would help, if POS could utilize the standard reports in D365FO to prinout things like qoutation directly to a windows printer. This functionality could be also handy for other reports.

  • New POS operation - "Open Web Page"

    Sometimes our customer asked for us to extend the POS to show external web pages, that the POS user uses for registration of information into an external system. This could be in realtion to guarantee information or customer credit check. A standard POS operation for this would helpful, that can take in URL as a paramter. This could also if a POS user needs to into a specifc form in D365 like
  • Loyalty discount - Multibuy discount over several transactions

    Multibuy discount over several transactions - Loyalty Have not found a good solution in the loyalty system regarding the scenario: The customer comes to the store and buys the same item, and when the customer has bought X number of the item, over several transactions, the customer gets the item for free. Ex. Get the 5th Coca Cola free: 01.feb. buys 1 Coca cola, 10.feb. buys 2 Coca cola 13.feb. buys 1 Coca cola 15.feb. buys 2 Coca cola - Gets 1 Coca Cola free, and pays for 1, as the 5th is free.

  • Single Sign On for MPOS/CPOS

    A customer asked about the possibility of using Single Sign On for MPOS/CPOS The business case is: The customer has POS and other single sign on application the user uses installed on the PC. The customer wants all user to have their own Windows logon and not a common user logon into Windows for all POS users. The customer wants to have a single sign on for applications and a fast switch in Windows to switch between POS users. Looks like there are fundimental things that need to be changed regarding MPOS/CPOS, so this can work, like the activation process. The idea regarding the activation, would have to be changed from being activation per userprofile per device, over to one activation per device. That could make it possible to run more than one instance of MPOS, with the same teraminlId. Could maybe also be a fist step over to a easier switch between environments for developers if the activation would be changed to make it possible to change the config in the DLLHost.exe.config file to allow the developers to switch environments.
  • MPOS/CPOS activation per device and not per profile and mass activation

    The activation of MPOS/CPOS needs to be per device, and not per user profile in Windows per device. As of now the activation of MPOS does not work exactly as CPOS. The CPOS activation can work and not the MPOS activation when using a partner logon at a customers environment. The activation of MPOS/CPOS is per user per device and not per device (PC).This means it is not possible to run the same MPOS with the same teraminal Id for two or more Windows users on the same PC. Even though the DLLHost.exe.config is common. It would be easier for developers if it would be switch between environments by changing the DLLHost.exe.config file. Should also be easy for developers to install one or more versions of MPOS side by side on a development box and switch between different environments. The "AllowMassActivation" parameter found in the DLLHoost.exe.config file does not seem to be supported or documented. MS support could not give any answers about it. Mass activation of devices would make implementation easier. Doing one MPOS at a time, is time consuming when dealing with many hundreds of POS. The idea should be: Device(PC) is activated and it is activated for one or several teraminal id's. (several, in the case of a development or testing) The whole thing needs to be better documentet. This include flow of tokens between system, setup paramters, etc.

  • POS position permissions - "Allow create customer", "Allow edit customer" not found

    No POS position permissions are found for the funcationality create or edit of customers. Business case: Not all retailers do want allow POS users to create or edit customers via POS.
  • Item sort order on the receipt

    As of now, the items on the receipt are printed in the same order that they are scanned. When the POS writes out a long receipt, with many items, it can time consuming for the customer or an employee to scan through the whole receipt to find and item on the receipt. It would be preferred behavior, in some cases, that the items are ordered alphabetically. Can we get a sort order option in the Receipt Formats setup?
  • Loyalty and trends around loyalty - discussion/feedback

    This is just a general discussion around the loyalty system in D365FO. As I have now been doing several integrations to other loyalty systems here in Norway, I find the loyalty system in D365FO is not following the general trend here. The focus is still on accumulating points and using that as a payment later and having a loyalty card to identify the customer. It's more or less the same thing I was seeing more than 20 years ago. - Waiting for a reward, is something that people are less and less interested inn. It's more about here and now. - Knowing the customer - (Machine Learning) is more and more important. Have offers that are specially for that particular customer/group of similar customers to attract the customer into the store again. Often as coupons for specific items connected to a specific customer. - Discounts that stresses over several transactions (really a variations of a M&M were thing happen in the same transaction). Buy 4 and get the 5th free. - First time loyalty registration offers, to attact the customer to join the loyalty program. - Identifying the customer - Avoid plastic loyalty cards that the customer has to carry around. Identify either by an app, phone numbers or by a "token" that is linked to a payment card. - Employee discounts - handeld as part of the discounts in the loyalty systems. - Electronic receipts. Giving the customer to have an electronic overview of the customers receipts. Is also connected to guaranties and returns. Seeing the receipts journal in POS based on the customer and not all customers.
  • Shopping App - Business cases and functionality

    Name: ShoppingApp. The name is limiting – Rather called it Microsoft Retail App or MR App for short or something else. Business cases: 1) Self-service app for supermarkets and store for specialist like electricians and plumbers. a. There are all-ready stores here in Scandinavia that have large numbers of hand held android devices with built in barcode scanners with a simple user interface. First the user walks to a screen with a built-in scanner for scanning a barcode either on a card or on a mobile. One of the devices is then unlocked showing the name of the customer on the device. The customer then walks around the store, picks the items, scans the item by pressing a button, were the barcode is scanned with a built-in barcode scanner. The user can delete the item by pressing a delete basket on the app and then scan the item to confirm the item to delete. The transaction is completed by going to a check-out POS were the device is put into a docking that locks the device. The customers barcode Is scanned, and the transaction is retrieved into the self-service checkout POS for payment. The payment is completed, and a receipt is written out and the barcode on the receipt can be used to open a gate, so the customer can leave with the items. b. Specialist stores. Similar kind of a scenario, but with manual routines regarding checkouts as most transactions are registered to customer account and need a manual signature or verifcation. 2) Self-service – outside of the store. a. Done by customers in the field that have a regular re-accruing purchases for the retailer. Could be done by starting with a shopping list or manually browsing or by scanning barcodes with a camera or a Bluetooth barcode scanner. Could be in relation specialist like electricians, farmers, service people, etc. People that are in the field and not like always close to a PC but, do a lot of re-accruing purchases and in some cases also returns. b. Sales people in the field, that go from customer to a customer. c. Store employees that are servicing customer outside the store and selling limited range of products or bulky items that are kept in a closed area outside the store. 3) Customer loyalty app – Coupons a. Show and activations of customer coupons b. Show information about offers c. General information for the customer d. Customer verification – A customer barcode/customer id 4) Retail app for the store employees a. Clocking in/out of the store, when GPS says the location is in the store. b. Reports for the storemanger c. Price-checks d. Receiving and transferring goods e. Ordering print out of price labels f. Making manual purchase orders g. Stock-count with offline capabilities. h. Picking and packing, for pick-up in store orders i. Messages/notification to the stores j. Quick access/links to internal documents and websites. k. Registration/handling of defected items l. Stock information. Availability in store and nearby stores, and expected date of next delivery. The code: The code in the 8.1 SDK is an excellent start. Follows many good practices and patterns. The code is readable and has unit tests. Though even almost all of unit tests failed, out of the box, they gave a better understanding of the code, and its easy to make them work. Over all the code is a very good basis for the future and looks like the code is open for all kinds of extensibility. Would be nice to see a further development of the app so some of the business cases above could be fulfilled. Would be nice to see the app follow the newest version Xamarin, .Net Standard 2.0 Lib. and other components. Open source the project, so other developers could to accelerate the product and make it more current to everyone. Configuration: If more of the business cases are fulfilled, then more configuration parameters are required to turn on/off modules and functionality. Would also be nice to have a settings form to set/update information that now is configured in the configuration file. And setting to define start page, as different there are different needs. Make it possible to hide the menu button for example for the self-service in case 1. Caching of data into a SQLite, for a quicker start and offline/semi-offline support would be nice. Documentation: Looks like there is a bit of things to be completed about authentication and activation. Would be good to have everything documented around these things when completed. Would also be nice to have a document that tells what is new in the version. Documentation around logging and logging configuration. Document the ideas behind the app, what is supposed to solve and how it can used. Other: Don’t let the user select a style when there is only style available or select color when only one color available.