Public Profile
  • Filtering On Reports Not Working

    You are unable to print multiple records for 1 report for different customers. Go to the Sales Orders. Find orders that have the same value in a/multiple field(s) from different customers and Filter on it/them. Example: “Salesperson Code” = ‘KS’ and “Document Date” = '01/05/18..' Now we want to print the order confirmation for these orders. Observe the reports Only the first selected order is printed. It seems like the report doesn't take the filters on the requestpage in account. However it does, but before that all the orders are already filtered on the selected record to apply the custom report layouts for that customer. Make it possible to print multiple reports from different customers. (perhaps an extra loop around the customer report layout functionality to apply for multiple different customers?) MS Call 118101819242689 Discovered on NAV2018CU8-BE = 11.0.23572.0 But also fails on BC BE Dynamics NAV 13.0 (25789)
  • ISABEL Management

    In Belgium we have got ISABEL as the default B2B banking payments application (= secure multibanking platform that allows organizations to manage their banking transactions online and perform quick and easy payments). This used to be connected by the fields in the TAB11306 Electronic Banking Setup. But from version BC14CU0 (testing in Microsoft_Application_14.3.34444.0), these fields are set to ObsoleteState = "Pending", with as reason "Legacy ISABEL". Why? How can we make the connection with ISABEL? I know direct coupling isn't possible anymore, but could we at least let BC create the file so we can upload it directly to the banks application software? Could Microsoft BE look into this?
  • Payment journal check

    In Belgium we used to get a Payment journal check report, that we could use to check the payment lines before posting them. However this report doesn't exist anymore in BC14. Could this be re-added?
  • Apply Payment On a Later Date

    If a payment needs to be applied to a invoice that is created on a later date, it cannot be applied to the related invoice. The prepayment functionality creates an additional document that, in this case, is not relevant as the total invoice is paid upfront. For that reason, we changed the code in PAG232 Apply Customer Entries (and likewise for Vendor), in order to make this possible: (see //TFS) OnQueryClosePage(CloseAction : Action None) : Boolean IF CloseAction = ACTION::LookupOK THEN LookupOKOnPush; IF ApplnType = ApplnType::"Applies-to Doc. No." THEN BEGIN SalesSetup.GET; //TFS IF NOT SalesSetup."Apply Payment On a Later Date" THEN BEGIN //TFS IF OK AND (ApplyingCustLedgEntry."Posting Date" < "Posting Date") THEN BEGIN OK := FALSE; ERROR( EarlierPostingDateErr,ApplyingCustLedgEntry."Document Type",ApplyingCustLedgEntry."Document No.", "Document Type","Document No."); END; END; //TFS IF OK THEN BEGIN IF "Amount to Apply" = 0 THEN "Amount to Apply" := "Remaining Amount"; CODEUNIT.RUN(CODEUNIT::"Cust. Entry-Edit",Rec); END; END; IF (CalcType = CalcType::Direct) AND NOT OK AND NOT PostingDone THEN BEGIN Rec := ApplyingCustLedgEntry; "Applying Entry" := FALSE; "Applies-to ID" := ''; "Amount to Apply" := 0; CODEUNIT.RUN(CODEUNIT::"Cust. Entry-Edit",Rec); END; Could Microsoft take a look into this?
  • More modification possibilities for DropDown fieldgroup on Table

    Can it be possible to have more modification possibilities for DropDown fieldgroup on Table, such as: * Move fields * Add fields in between existing ones (not just at the end) * Hide fields * Let us add fields that are hidden on the lookuppage, as defined in * ...