Public Profile
  • Attachments via Print Management - Purchase Order / Sales Order

    Currently we have the ability to send reports through Print Management, automatically during Purchase Order / Sales Order Confirmation. Today, we can have only single report being sent as PDF, HTML, etc.

    This does not cater to the business scenario, where along with PO/SO confirmation, users would like to send multiple documents like, Assembly Instructions, Measurements and Designs, Special Handling requests. 

    If we can have a "Purpose" field (just like for contacts we have) with options of "Attach in PO / SO confirmation email" in the document handling and Print Management handles this while sending the emails for different purposes. 

    This feature can be extended for Invoicing, Picking List.


  • Performance issue in existsInvoiceJournal method on TMSFreightBillDetail table

    The existsInvoiceJournal method on TMSFreightBillDetail table causes an unnecessary performance impact due to the size of the records returned. This method is only checking for an existence but returns 80 columns of data The same method has been used in below areas, causing performance issues, The existsInvoiceJournal method on TMSFreightBillDetail table causes an unnecessary performance impact due to the size of the records returned. This method is only checking for an existence but returns 80 columns of data. Making the attached code change reduced our DB time from 200ms to 20ms. \Forms\TMSFreightBillDetail\Data Sources\TMSFreightBillDetail\Methods\active 7 53 \Forms\TMSInvoiceTable\Methods\toggleObjects 9 53 \Forms\TMSRouteWorkbench\Data Sources\TMSRoute\Methods\active 14 53 \Forms\WHSLoadPlanningListPage\Data Sources\WHSLoadTable\Methods\active 38 53 \Forms\WHSLoadPlanningWorkbench\Data Sources\WHSLoadTable\Methods\active 30 53 \Forms\WHSLoadTable\Data Sources\WHSLoadTable\Methods\active 42 53