Public Profile
  • Approval Engine

    When a quote is created, or an order is created ; it is most of the time required to be approved by the Sales Manager before sending it to customer.

    so it is not only enough to export it to Office Word, Approval should be provided out of the box and should be configurable.

    We need an approval engine in Dynamics CRM which is role based. The first use case is as described above. It is a very common step in most companies

  • ability to have quote in PDF format

    in addition to Word, it is required to have a PDF export version of the quote, or order.
    exporting to WORD first allows the user to change some specific crm data which may be breaking integrity of the quote or order before sending it to customer.
    most companies therefore need a pdf version of the quote, order etc that is send to the customer and need to store it as a reference.

  • BUG : opportunity estimated value not updated

    in the sales proces, create button on quote an activated form, CLOSE Opportunity option with Calculated from quotes option, although as the name says, it does not update opportunity.

  • Product Lock

    some products in a company can be only sold by some specific sales roles. so opportunity products should be able to filter products according to thoseroles.

  • Check-in capability with GPS data for CRM Appointments

    nowadays, all sales managers want to see if their sales people are really visiting the customer.

    They not only ask them to create an appointment, they ask them to mark them as complete at the customer location and want to see the GPS data of their check-in.

    this is also required for offline scenarios on mobile client.

  • multi question search for knowledge base - diagnostics.

    knowledge base only offers single line of search where multi million customer based call centers ask for, multi questionalble user interface for knowledge base search.

    it does not make sense when you have thousands of kb articles.

    a dialog based questionaire capability on the user interface is required. the questions and answers of these questions should be dynamically nested.


    like Question 1.

    possible answers a,b,c,d

    on select D then related kb are listed

    this is also helpful for diagnostics before a case is open.

    this is how BEKO, ARCELIK white housing company works. 30M customers.

    we need this capability to win an opportunity

  • using relationship insight feature for cases

    Can relationship insights be used to measure relationship of customers regarding object as cases? from my understanding it is more specific to sales.

    use case : top e-commerce site wants to prioritize customer service and response priority with actions according to customer interactions with channels such as e-mail,phone, web,chat, social etc.


    they say, they receive thousands of customer cases 10.000 cases per day.

    they want the case of a customer who interacts more to have a higher rank and be served first or sooner.

    they want the customer with higher relationship health value to be served faster, and prioritized against other