Public Profile
  • Allow users to remove emails not yet tracked using auto capture

    When an activity, such as an email, is auto captured in CRM and presented to the user as a possible activity to track, there is no way for the user to discard the suggested track. The email may be something the user doesn't want to track in CRM, but they still want to keep the email in CRM. It will be very easy for the activity pane in CRM to quickly fill up with activities to be tracked. I appreciate it's possible to filter these activities out of the list of activities, but it should be possible to remove one permanently.

  • Deleting items from your Outlook inbox should remove them from Auto Capture

    When you delete an email from your Outlook inbox, it doesn't delete the item from the auto capture in CRM. It should. You have to delete the email from your deleted items in Outlook before it deletes the auto capture in CRM. This isn't a good user experience.