Public Profile
  • Fullfillment by container type to non-licenseplate location

    Ability to use container types without linking it to licenseplate.

    For example we would like to fullfill a location that can only fit two pallets no matter how many items that exists in the pallets.

    We would like to set the location limit or the fulfillment template to only fill up to two pallets. Even if the pallets are half empty. Today it uses unit conversion and might fetch three pallets if two of them are half empty for some reason.


    Discussion on Yammer:


    • If I understand it correctly I can use containers to fulfill with a pallet no matter how many items that exist in the container/pallet. I want to fulfill a location up to two pallets or LPs even if the pallet is not completely full. The location only fits two pallet, if I use standard unit conversion I can some times get three pallets if two of them are only half full.



    • Would that work even if my picking location that I fulfill is non-license plate controlled, I'm guessing that I might have a problem here if the container functionality is linked to a license plate.
      Agree, this is the big issue. We cannot see the different "units" in stock without using Licence plates, and that means barcoding when we don't necessarily need/want it. A container type storage dimension would help immensely...
      I completly agree with the observation. Please add and vote on it on Ideas


  • Fetch and cash out return order in POS

    Please add operation to fetch existing return order in POS to be able to cash out amount due to customer for an already existing return order created back office.


    Would also be nice to have a parameter to automatically register/receive and invoice return orders that are created in POS from a sales order. 

  • Being able to choose loyalty program at POS

    When you issue a loyalty card you would need the option to choose loyalty program at the POS. 

    A company might have several loyalty programs where the first tier doesn't require any points. 

    Today if you issue from the POS the customer gets all programs. We need the possibility to select a specific program.

  • Family cards for loyalty

    Have the functionality to add family/extra cards for a loyalty member. Adding a family card that uses the same points and tier as the main card. Today you can redeem from another card but the earning and tier level is still per card. Family members needs be be added on the same card as the tier calculation is based on, severals cards contributing to the same balance and tier calculation.
  • The use of coupons as a loyalty redeem functionality

    A common practise is that customers earns a value check or coupon from being a loyalty member, they earn a certain amount of points and they get converted to a coupon. At the time of sale the cashier can see the open coupons when adding the customer and when the coupon expire. A functionality to meet this demand would be appreciated. A redeem function and loyalty parameter to convert points to customer specific coupons, the ability to see them (value, expire) and easily choose the coupon at the POS.
  • Unified transaction and payment view call center vs B&M/Online

    Omni channel and unified Commerce is more and more common and a requiriement and something that is expected by our product. How the retail transactions are view differs a bit between call center and B&M/Online. Different tables are used for viewing transactions. For call center we have no retail/online transactions form but we have the order with tenderlines on the order. For B&M and online we have the retail transactions with payments etc but on the sales orders we have no payment information. (customer orders). I suggest that this is unified, even if we only have customer orders perhaps a call center transactions should be added so that one common view can be used. For customer sales order in POS or online I suggest that the tender lines are available on the order itself as they are with order completion in call center. Easier to find and view status of payment etc for an order.

  • Unified way of storing payments/retail transactions

    Storing payments in the same way on sales orders no matter if its from POS, online store or call center. For call center we can use the payment button to change payments on orders, this is not possible if the order is registered in another channel. Online sales orders does not end up in the same way as call center orders. We have retail transactions and online transactions, would make sense to also have call center transactions so that we have a unified way of looking at retail transactions.

  • MPOS in iOS AppStore, Android PlayStore and Windows Store

    I've would appreciate if the MPOS app could be available in the App store of the different operating systems. I know there have been some legal bounderies for this but It's not even in the Microsoft store. (The WMS app exists in the Microsoft Store and the Google Play Store.) *I searched for ideas but I couldn't find an existing one.

  • Demo full Power BI capabilities D365FO

    Hi, I would like to be able to demo the Power BI capabilities in D365FO. From what I understand it does not work on Tier-1 and there is no working work-around at the moment. Embedded Power BI for D365OF.
  • SQL insights in LCS för Retail Cloud Scale Unit

    This is a must have to be able to analyse and increase performance of the online channel. Optimizing the indexes etc is an important part of having an acceptable e-commerce perfomance.