Public Profile
  • Fix the Search on

    Currently the search feature goes across all products, with no way to filter by D365FO. This makes searching for anything not feasible.

  • Role Based Pricing

    The Role based pricing doesn't work correctly. There needs to be a parameter setting individually for Cost price and Sales price whether to use the Project role, the Default role, or the Project role and fall back to the Default role (if no Project role is defined). Most customers want Sales prices to use the Project role and fall back to the Default role, and Cost prices to use the Default role.

    We need the same kind of setting for the Role that is written into the Hours transaction table for reporting purposes.

  • Improvements to Ledger Updates (ProjTransPosting) for Easier Reporting

    Here are the fields missing from ProjTransPosting that makes reporting more complicated. Many of these same concepts are missing from ProjTransBudget.

    • Transaction currency
    • Transaction currency amount
    • Transaction currency price
    • Line property
    • Link to Source transaction (including easy way to track after Adjustments and through Intercompany). This is needed so we can do appropriate BI modelling and pull in additional attributes from the source.
      • Timesheet transaction
      • Expense Report transaction
      • Vendor invoice line
      • Vendor transaction
      • Customer transaction
      • Misc charges line
      • Indirect costs line
      • Sales order line
    • Link to transaction “sub” tables (i.e. ProjEmplTransCost and ProjEmplTransSale)


    Here are some reporting concepts that are difficult:

    • Need extra transactions for intercompany borrowing/lending entries (Cost, Intercompany revenue, Intercompany cost, Revenue)
    • Unposted On-account transactions aren’t represented by ProjTransPosting or ProjTransBudget
    • Reporting on status of transactions (because we have no link to ProjEmplTransSale or ProjEmplTransCost which has the status)
    • Reporting on Indirect costs by Indirect cost category
  • Modern Document Formats and Print Management

    Every external facing document needs to be professionally formatted in standard D365FO using the new Modern formats framework, and these formats should ship with the product. Documents should include the typical fields most customers want. These documents should either be extensible or there should be a documented process for copying the standard document and modifying it. Print management needs to be improved so all modern forms of document transmission are supported.

    Every document means:

    • Any document I might transmit to a Customer or Vendor, pretty much any document covered by Print Management.
    • The documents are part of D365FO when it is deployed, without any modifications.

    Professionally formatted means:

    • The document was reviewed by a graphic designer.
    • Acceptable logo sizes and ppi are documented.
    • The document works with both Letter and A4 paper sizes.
    • The margins on the document are even and consistent.
    • Multi-page documents are tested, don't leave extra white-space on the page, and have appropriate minimalist headers and footers.

    Typical fields means:

    • Microsoft has surveyed the user community for what fields they include on each document type, and have included the ones that are common to a majority of customers.
    • Global requirements have been considered (i.e. Banking, Tax fields, Dates that are clear no matter what country is viewing the document).

    Print management improvements means:

    • Ability to transmit a document using Exchange, SMTP, or Local Outlook.
    • Ability to use GER to transmit a document.
    • Ability to have a "Modern" formatted email template with wildcards from the Source journal record.
    • Ability to control the file name in an Email or File.
    • Ability to use some concept of Print archive, so the actual PDF that was sent is always recorded in a way the user can easily retrieve it.

    Please add your comments with any additional requirements not listed above.

  • License Configurations (Configuration Keys) and Configuration Key Groups

    There used to be a method of importing/exporting configuration key files. The old method wasn't great, but at least we had something. Now there's something called "Configuration groups" but they don't work. Groups only allow turning Configuration keys on but not off. We need to have these working so when a production system is put into maintenance mode, there's a predictable and repeatable method of turning keys off. There should be a button for a Configuration group that says "Turn all these on" and "Turn all these off". Pressing this button should update the checkboxes on the Individual Configuration keys.
  • Table Browser Shows All Fields

    The Table Browser should not respect the AOT flag of "Visible". It should always display all the fields in the table. This is a requirement for troubleshooting. Many times, the AOT flag of "Visible" was incorrectly set by a developer who added a new field and forgot to properly set the value to Yes. Without this functionality, some troubleshooting has to be done in SQL on a backed up copy of the database, which is a very inefficient process.

  • Sync Worker Profile Pictures from Office/Exchange

    Create a process that brings in the Profile pictures/photos of Workers into Dynamics 365 automatically (or through a batch process). Then increase the usage of these thumbnails in the application. The same suggestion applies to Talent and CE.