Public Profile
  • Expand External Document No. on Sales Header

    Hi, we ran into an issue with the field length of the External Document No. (Field 100) on the Sales Header table within a Multi Tenant environment for a live customer. The length of 35 is not sufficient for their business. They would gain more from a length of approx 60. We would therefore like to suggest, to review the idea to extend the field length of this field to a text50 or text60 as we can't extend it via extensions right now. // Christian
  • Field 5409 "Inventory Value Zero" missing on Item template table

    Hi The field Field 5409 "Inventory Value Zero" should be added to the item template table. Then it is alos quite easy to setup a template for items which have a zero Value in the inventory. // Christian
  • Performance Improvement in printing a Sales Invoice & building Sales Shipment Buffer

    Hi We ran into a performance issue with a recently upgraded customer. It turned out that it was caused from the Sales Shipment Buffer buildup routine as there were many Sales Invoice lines in the system with a G/L account on. This can be fixed quite easy with a small code modification. The result is a much better performing system. Hope that this is a OK place to place this suggestion. As I can't attach files, I'll copy & paste the code suggestion in here. OBJECT Table 7190 Sales Shipment Buffer GenerateBufferFromShipment(); BEGIN TotalQuantity := 0; // Change This SalesShipmentLine.SETRANGE("Order No.",SalesInvoiceHeader2."Order No."); SalesShipmentLine.SETRANGE("Order Line No.",SalesInvoiceLine2."Line No."); SalesShipmentLine.SETRANGE("Line No.",SalesInvoiceLine2."Line No."); SalesShipmentLine.SETRANGE(Type,SalesInvoiceLine2.Type); SalesShipmentLine.SETRANGE("No.",SalesInvoiceLine2."No."); SalesShipmentLine.SETRANGE("Unit of Measure Code",SalesInvoiceLine2."Unit of Measure Code"); SalesShipmentLine.SETFILTER(Quantity,'<>%1',0); IF SalesShipmentLine.ISEMPTY THEN EXIT; // Change This SalesInvoiceHeader.SETFILTER("No.",'..%1',SalesInvoiceHeader2."No."); --- GenerateBufferFromReceipt(); BEGIN IF SalesCrMemoHeader."Return Order No." = '' THEN EXIT; TotalQuantity := 0; // Change This ReturnReceiptLine.SETCURRENTKEY("Return Order No.","Return Order Line No."); ReturnReceiptLine.SETRANGE("Return Order No.",SalesCrMemoHeader."Return Order No."); ReturnReceiptLine.SETRANGE("Return Order Line No.",SalesCrMemoLine."Line No."); ReturnReceiptLine.SETRANGE("Line No.",SalesCrMemoLine."Line No."); ReturnReceiptLine.SETRANGE(Type,SalesCrMemoLine.Type); ReturnReceiptLine.SETRANGE("No.",SalesCrMemoLine."No."); ReturnReceiptLine.SETRANGE("Unit of Measure Code",SalesCrMemoLine."Unit of Measure Code"); ReturnReceiptLine.SETFILTER(Quantity,'<>%1',0); IF ReturnReceiptLine.ISEMPTY THEN EXIT; // Change This SalesCrMemoHeader2.SETCURRENTKEY("Return Order No."); // CM
  • Enhance Item Template Table with new field

    Hi In our business a lot of users use the Zero Inventory Values. Therefore it would like to ask if it is possible to add the field Field No. Field Name Data Type 5409 Inventory Value Zero Boolean To table 1301 Item Template and the corresponding page 1342 Item Template Card Thanks in advance
  • DropDown Fieldgroup on Item Journal Line

    Hi as long "Add a new FieldGroup to an existing table" ( is not supported. Would it a great "workaround" to get a dropdown Fieldgroup with "Journal Template Name,Line No.,Item No." on table 83 which can be extended via an extension. // Christian